Virginia beach shooting

Also, according to
U.S.: mass shootings by race 1982-2018 | Statista
there were 110 mass shootings between 1982 and last February, 18 of which had black perpetrators, or a bit over 16%. Since around 12.6% of the US population is black, despite the stereotype of mass shootings being a whitey thing, they're overrepresented here, too.
At this point the media knows they've played their hand correctly. We are at a irreconcilable division between red and blue with blue states attempting to replicate Australia and red States actually honoring the Constitution WRT 2A. Ultimately should we lose the White House, we'll see a lot of placating to the rabid antis and have to endure the same tired "common sense" arguments that have permeated the Democratic platform and then a UBC and AWB. After those two major unfortunate and unconstitutional policy initiatives pass, you'll never see the media cover another "mass" shooting again...
At this point the media knows they've played their hand correctly. We are at a irreconcilable division between red and blue with blue states attempting to replicate Australia and red States actually honoring the Constitution WRT 2A. Ultimately should we lose the White House, we'll see a lot of placating to the rabid antis and have to endure the same tired "common sense" arguments that have permeated the Democratic platform and then a UBC and AWB. After those two major unfortunate and unconstitutional policy initiatives pass, you'll never see the media cover another "mass" shooting again...
Sure you will, cuz the goalposts will have moved once again.
Also, according to
U.S.: mass shootings by race 1982-2018 | Statista
there were 110 mass shootings between 1982 and last February, 18 of which had black perpetrators, or a bit over 16%. Since around 12.6% of the US population is black, despite the stereotype of mass shootings being a whitey thing, they're overrepresented here, too.

I'd be curious how they define Mass Shooting, 2 victims, 3, 4? (I checked the website and it looks like you need a login to get more info) Also does this include the weekly shootings in Chicago or Detroit or Baltimore where 2 or 3 people get shot per incident on a regular basis?
I disagree wholeheartedly.....

The board is wide open to republican candidates that want to recruit people to run in dem cities/states who want to run on a message of economic prosperity/freedom.......

Democrats have foisted misery/destruction/poverty on these cities and states not republicans

Democrats have foisted things like redlining on these cities and states not republicans

Democrats have foisted shit like flint michigan water crisis on its citizens not republicans

If only more republicans were to reach out to these communities and foster some of the economic freedom messages that trump has been pushing........our biggest problem is the big gov/rino/chrony corporatism wing of the GOP

Without Googling it I'm going to butcher the quote, but "it's the economy stupid" per James Carville in Clinton's first election....if things stay as strong as they are Trump will hold national office, but if the stock market tanks and unemployment ramps up, that's the Dems national ticket. As for local politics, that's just a reaction to how people feel nationally coupled with the prevailing party dominance.
Shooter is 40 year old black man DeWayne Craddock. He used a .45 with suppressor

AFAIK this is the first one of these shootings where the perp was black.

I wonder what his beef was?
We can forget about suppressors coming off of the NFA now. I could see Trump banning them outright.
For giggles, I did me. It shows my religion as Christian (not sure where they got that - I'm not), political party: none (still technically R), and relationship: married! [shocked]
I just searched myself on that site and It's way off... Can't be trusted

Yeah, I think it implies everyone has something sketchy so people will login (and pay) to hide it.

Basically, it's extortion/blackmail. I hope they get sued.
At this point the media knows they've played their hand correctly. We are at a irreconcilable division between red and blue with blue states attempting to replicate Australia and red States actually honoring the Constitution WRT 2A. Ultimately should we lose the White House, we'll see a lot of placating to the rabid antis and have to endure the same tired "common sense" arguments that have permeated the Democratic platform and then a UBC and AWB. After those two major unfortunate and unconstitutional policy initiatives pass, you'll never see the media cover another "mass" shooting again...

They'll be covering a war thats why.......a war right here on our soil.

If ever the shit is pulled like Australia or Newzealand, you can bet that there will be more shootings than you'd ever dreamed of and the targets will be rabid antis pols and their supporters, the enforcers who dare to disobey their oath and the snitches who start making calls on their neighbors.

They want a war, and they'll get one, just wait and see.
While the building may not have been a no-gun zone under VA law (not sure), it almost certainly was for non-LEO employees.

AS to that mylife site - any site that puts up fake progress bars to make it look like they are actually taking the time to scour the entire dark web, all court records, etc. has no credibility or legitimacy as far as I am concerned.
Shooter is 40 year old black man DeWayne Craddock. He used a .45 with suppressor

AFAIK this is the first one of these shootings where the perp was black.

I wonder what his beef was?
There were a few others. I don’t remember the details because the news drops it quick.
x 4,000 last year in Chicago.

Thats why the murders in the national embarrassment called Chicago are rarely on the national news, its so commonplace its considered just part of normal life there........but the pols and the commies want everyone else's guns.

Not on my watch.
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