VZ24 Scope Options

Mar 19, 2011
Lawton, OK
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I'm getting a Vz24 from a member here on Friday, and I've been thinking about scoping it. I've already got a m24/52c that's mint, don't want to go screwing about with that. The Vz24 has a scrubbed receiver and an electropencil bolt, so I don't feel bad modifying it a teensy bit. My plan was to get the bolt bent and the numbers taken off it, and mount leupold bases and rings with an old weaver K4 4x32 to better fit the feeling of the rifle than something modern. All of this isn't going to be cheap... I figured about $100 for the drilling and tapping, $50 for the rings and bases, $50 to get the bolt bent, $30 for the K4 (they go cheap and good on ebay), and about $35 if I have a gunsmith install the scope, which I would be more comfortable with to keep the rest of the investment from getting slopped up by any ineptitude on my part.

I've recently come across the Accumounts K98 LSR which has caught my attention. It looks like a nice setup, really at home on a mauser and closer to a military look than the leupolds would be, but is also quite a bit more expensive at $240 vs. $50. Also, as a side mount, it looks to require some wood inletting in the stock which I would not be equipped to do and would add more expense to have someone else perform.

I'm a bit torn here, I don't want to go with a cheap solution that I'll regret, but the costs are adding up. A third option is I could leave it alone, but I'd really like to make this crazy scheme work if I can. Does anyone have experience, advice, opinions here? Anything to make this easier would be real helpful.

Links to the things measured:




http://www.accumounts.com/ (won't link directly, it's the top item under "German K98 Scope Mounts).

EDIT: Question is moot for now, decided to pass on this because of the grinding indecision, but I'm still curious to see what people think if they'd care to approach it as a hypothetical.
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Several companies make scout style scope mounts for Mauser, which don't involve gunsmithing. EXAMPLE. You'd need a low power, long eye relief scope for that.

My preference would be the XS/Clifton scout mount, but that would require modification to the rifle.

If it were a non-collectible left handed VZ24 [rofl], I'd go with your original plan, with an El Paso Weaver V7 instead of the K4.
S&K make great scout mounts for rifles. I had one on a K31 with a Simmons Pro Hunter handgun scope and it always held zero. At the time when I got the K31 mount, LER scopes for scout mounts were hard to find and pricey. These days several companies make affordable scopes designed for scout mounts.

Here is a VZ24 scout mount:

I have an S&K with a 4X Ncstar on a Yugo M48. Not only is the rifle not modified in any way, it is impossible to knock this thing off zero. Its been on 3years and holds 2" groups at 100 yds. every time.
Hmm, that's something to think about. I didn't want to go with a scout setup, but it does have economy on its side. For the moment I'm holding off anything new unless a particularly good deal shows up, in which case a repro mosin sniper would probably scratch the scoped milsurp itch :D. I'm real fond of the older rifles, but not always confident of my abilities at longer ranges with open sights. Mojo peep sights look interesting, but I don't have any experience with aperture sights and don't know how much of an improvement they'd be. I've HEARD they work pretty well, but won't know until I've tried, I suppose. Thanks for the input.
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