wandering zero


NES Member
Jun 9, 2006
Feedback: 23 / 0 / 0
The day before yesterday my digital scale started at 0.0 and crept up to 1.9. It never did this before and hasn't done it since but I don't trust it. I've started using the balance beam scale again. Anyone ever had this problem or have a possible cause?
The day before yesterday my digital scale started at 0.0 and crept up to 1.9. It never did this before and hasn't done it since but I don't trust it. I've started using the balance beam scale again. Anyone ever had this problem or have a possible cause?
I have one that goes occasionally crazy, and my current working theory is interference from cellular/WiFi devices in close proximity are the cause.
I'm disappointed. I thought this thread was going to be about Enfield No 5 Mk 1s.

If you buh a new one:

Platinum series Frankford Arsenal scale is great.
RCBS Chargemaster is also awesome.

I have those two and an RCBS mechanical scale I use to double check a load every 10-20 throws (the one that goes to 1021 grains --- I forget the model name).
Every time sit allows at the bench I turn on my scale and set the 100g calibration weight on it...........then switch the thing to grains to start weighing charges. It's never read anything other than 99.99 to 100.01.....and I'm fine with that. I don't know the model number but it's got the Hornady logo on it.
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