Warning Shots

As opposed to the ancient art of Gun Fu (some call it Chi-Ching).

Of course, Chi-Ching is merely a modern - although powerful - variation on the ancient Chinese art of Gun-Fu. It is said that Gun-Fu masters can kill a man by merely pointing at him. Some of them can kill their opponents from as far away as a kilometer or even a mile. Now that's a powerful chi! Many different styles of Gun-Fu are practiced throughout the world, including .45ACP, .357mag, .44mag, and 5.56mmNATO. Mixing styles is considered very dangerous to the practitioner, except in special cases (i.e., 5.56NATO and .223).
Also warning shots breaks 4 rules.

You definetly can't be sure of your target and backstop when shooting in the air, since you're not aiming at anything at all, and you have NO idea where that bullet will finally come to rest. If you shoot at the ground, you'd have to make sure it's a substrait that is safe to shoot.....wich means you'd have to take your eyes off your attacker.

Legal or no, they're never a good idea. if you want a warning device carry a noise maker or a whistle. Guns are not ment to warn, just like hammers aren't meant to polish shoes.

Use all tools properly.

-Weer'd Beard
Producer said:
RKG, that is pretty cool. I got to get a training exercises going with my family. We can use airsofts.

It's pretty hard on the plaster and wall paper.

However, we have actually drilled this using dry-fire.
Jaxon said:
Sounds like the waste of valuable ammo. [thinking]


Possibly, though we have lots.

There is a probability, though, that at the cost of one round of ammo, some joint compound and a bit of wall paper for a patch, we'll avoid umpteen zillion hours of paperwork or worse. If the intruder, treated to a close-up, business-end view of muzzle flash, decides to turn tail and bolt out of my house, I'm more than happy to let him go. And if he doesn't, well there's more rounds where that came from and pretty good proof of the dude's intentions.
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