Was: Mike from Titegroup enters not guilty plea - update: 5/9/14 - plead out

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Re: Mike from Tite Group enters Not Guilty plea


We talk about go time... This is one opportunity to fix the BS laws without firing a shot in anger.

Very good time to "pull the trigger" on getting the royal edicts nullified, let me know about a donation opportunity

Sent from my ADR6350 using Tapatalk 2
I agree with you. However, I say we keep buying ammo and guns. High prices or not. Support the gun companies and stores and show the antis that we are strong. Instead cut back on something else. Every so often I go on a kick to stop buying Dunkins and Starbucks. Quick numbers would put those tabs at somewhere around $200 a month for even a casual coffee drinker.

When this all goes thru, and we can donate to Mike...I vote we step back for a bit, really think about how much money you're blowing on inflated ammo prices and pandering to the government scaring America, and take a month of that money and donate it to a cause that could A) save a fellow patriot B) make a much needed change in the MA gun laws, potentially in other areas of the country as well.

If you spend ___ bucks a month on ridiculous ammo prices...take a month off and donate it to this. He needs our help, and god knows the 2A needs our help. I'd do it for any one of you. What would you think if it was you in the hot seat? You'd hope NES would help you out....prove that NES is more than just a forum. We are a family here. Dysfunctional sure...but a family. Family doesn't abandon their own. Let's help a brother out.
Why does the ATF care about state law problems?

because they pop up on the classifieds at xx the cost???

ETA: i was contacted by the ATF back during the first Obama scare about something i bought off a nother member of this form who is no-longer active.
I don't think it's much of a stretch at all. The roster and the "secret list" are both de facto bans on tons of different guns that are perfectly safe and in common use all over the country. Some are even manufactured here and exported to other states in large quantities.

Not to mention Mass's own police are issued firearms not on the approved lists. If they are not safe, then why should the police be allowed to use them?

Obvious statism is obvious.
Just heard back from attorney Brennan and he said:
" There isn't anything formally set up. I'll talk to Mr. Wheelock and find out how he wants to deal with it and get back to you.* I'm sure he appreciates all the support. Thank you.*Michael Brennan"

Excellent. Waiting for an update.

I hope the NRA and GOAL are helping out here as well.
Best of luck to Mike. I'll be in to donate when the option becomes available.
I hope things work out for Mike.

It's so frustrating. We all know the EOPS list and the AG regs have absolutely nothing to do with keeping consumers safe. Many LEOs use Glocks but apparently they aren't "safe" according to the AG regs. It's just a way to get around the 2A and wean law-abiding citizens off guns...

Good grief this state sucks and others are following suit now...
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You are obviously clueless as to what is at stake any time someone even talks to an alphabet-soup federal LEO. The federal LEO can lie all day long with utter impunity. If you lie, you will be charged with a crime because that is a codified federal law. What's more, you will be charged if they even SUSPECT that you lied to them. If you don't wag your lips at all, no one can construe you to be a liar. They may think you are an a**h*** or a moron, but those are not federal crimes yet.

This! Holy shit. The buyer is fine. Lots of paranoid members on here...
You are obviously clueless as to what is at stake any time someone even talks to an alphabet-soup federal LEO. The federal LEO can lie all day long with utter impunity. If you lie, you will be charged with a crime because that is a codified federal law. What's more, you will be charged if they even SUSPECT that you lied to them. If you don't wag your lips at all, no one can construe you to be a liar. They may think you are an a**h*** or a moron, but those are not federal crimes yet.

I think he was referring to the fact that for sales in MA the responsibility is on the seller for the sale. I dont think he was talking about lying to feds.

Sent from my Galaxy S 3 in an antis office just to feel rebellious
I think he was referring to the fact that for sales in MA the responsibility is on the seller for the sale. I dont think he was talking about lying to feds.

I think N10TYs point is that even if you are not the person under investigation, if you perjure yourself, even accidentally (for example, misremembering something) to a fed you could end up in serious trouble; and that it's cheap insurance to say nothing.

If he is found not guilty, would that open the door to get rid of the roster and/or the AG regs?
If he is found not guilty, would that open the door to get rid of the roster and/or the AG regs?

Not really. It might make them less likely to attempt prosecution in the future, but "not guilty" does not mean the law itself is nullified... unless it starts happening over and over again. Someone can be rendered "not guilty" for a variety of reasons.

Mike from Tite Group enters Not Guilty plea

My post had nothing to do with talking to the feds, it was pertaining to buying new guns not on the roster,CMR 940.
My post had nothing to do with talking to the feds, it was pertaining to buying new guns not on the roster,CMR 940.

Doesn't matter. If a fed comes up to your door and you lie to them about whatever it is they're asking, you can get boned, even if you never committed or were involved in any crime yourself. This problem he's talking about has nothing to do with the situation on the ground here, rather he's talking about the way people interface with federal agents and the perils someone can encounter. That's what Rob was talking about, which was the post you originally quoted. There's nothing "paranoid" about what Rob said.

Fed: Mister, we need to talk to you about some guns, blah blah blah, killing instruments, duh duh duh.

Me: I'm going to remain silent. *shutup*

Fed: Can we come in your house and take a look?

Me: NO, not without a warrent!

Fed: You mother f***er! You just lied about remaining silent!

*flash bang* *dog shot* *me cuffed*
Mike from Tite Group enters Not Guilty plea

Oh I guess you all still don't understand what I'm saying. Obviously I would never incriminate myself and I'd use the advice that has posted here by Rob and Ochmude. This is a bad time we are in right now and I'm not undermining it.
Not really. It might make them less likely to attempt prosecution in the future, but "not guilty" does not mean the law itself is nullified... unless it starts happening over and over again. Someone can be rendered "not guilty" for a variety of reasons.


Yeah, I understand you can be found not guilty for a number of reasons or the law is nullified. Maybe I could have been a bit more clear, but that's why I said 'open the door.'
Not sure how, in this age of states now banning certain types of "assault weapons", that the MA list(s) would be seen as unconstitutional. <br> Frankly, I'd love to see all the new laws banning things deemed unconstitutional by SCOTUS, but I think that is a longshot, based on the commentary of "reasonable restrictions" that is being bandied about. So, what about transfers made at his shop? Where does it end?
"Jury Instructions" for the lose...

Remember... every juror has the right to decide the merits of the law itself as well as the case.

And any attorney that makes any attempt to inform the jury of this fact faces serious sanctions from the court.
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