Web Article - Amazon and Costco are selling emergency kits that can feed a family for a year ...

Last week I made more Ghee ( pure butter no refrigeration needed ), dehydrated another 5lbs of potatoes and tossed some old apples in when I did the spuds as a snack afterwards. I guess the point is either prep and understand where your food is coming from or buy stuff you like, so experiment.

Being on a tight budget and prepping I cant just dump money on a large order, so I take it in steps and you will be amazed at how fast it adds up. The dehydrator was the best thing on my budget, this weekend will be Pemmican and maybe Hard-tac.


If you add 5 of 'something' you eat to every grocery order, you'll soon find yourself a year ahead. canned or dry beans, canned meat, pasta, sugar, spices, bags of rice.

I have 5 pounds of jerky going in the dehydrator tomorrow, but would be interested in your recipes for pemmican
My pemican is going to be made from equil parts of beef ( 5-6lbs ) and fat. I didn't get to do it last week cause I could not find enough beef fat. But the plan was after I dehydrated the meat the weight left would be around 3lbs, so take 3lbs of fat and render that over a slow heat removing any chunks of beefy fat.

Once rendered then screen off the chunky parts only to be left with nice clean rendered fat, add the two ( beef and fat ) together, put in fridge and let it cool and bind together. You can add a few dehydrated fruits or berries but they lower the shelf life as they can spoil faster if the fruit breaks down.

I will admit I don't have a recipe, I only know about it from what I read about in a survival book and seen recently on YouTube.
My plan was seeing how it has a 50 plus year shelf life, I was going to freeze the blocks I made. This way it extends the life ( not that I need it ) and it ensures nothing goes rancid prior to me using it.

I am having trouble with liberals constant use of the phrase "the new normal". In general there is nothing new about it nor is it in any sense normal.
if you buy grain and legumes in season, from local farmers, you can get them for about $10 a bushel, which is 55 lbs. about 10% of that is dirt and grit. So figure 20c a lb. Add some PB, instant oatmeal, Crisco, honey, salt, powdered milk, Tang, and you'll get by on less than $1.50 per day per adult, and have better nutrition and taste, too. The Crisco can be used to cook the grain too, in a pinch.

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