Welcome Home?


Forum Curmudgeon
NES Member
Feb 15, 2009
Albuquerque, NM
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I hate the phrase "Welcome Home"![angry]

Today I stopped at my local bar after work. I was wearing a baseball hat that says Vietnam Veteran, and it has the 173rd Airborne Brigade patch.

This guy about my age walks up to me and looks at my hat and says, "Welcome Home Brother!"

He was obviously a bit drunk.

So I said "Thanks", as I ordered a beer......

Then he said he also served in Vietnam.

So I asked him what unit he served with in Vietnam.

"I was in Division LRRPS!" he said.

So I asked him what Division LRRP unit he was in.

Then I got the blank, drunken stare.......

"Ahh....it was the 173rd Division..." he said, "You know, the unit that Big and Rich made the song about."

"Really?" I said, "I was in that same unit! Only it was the 173rd Airborne Brigade. We were never a Division.....we were just a Brigade! And I never heard of any "Division LRRPS" with the 173rd Airborne Brigade!"


So he starts backsteping......"Ah....it was a long time ago.....I can't remember that far back."

Unfortunately, I was in a real bad mood today! Work has been a bitch lately..[angry]

I told him he was full of shit, and told him to get the f*** out of my face!

He paid his tab and left the bar!

I hate the phrase "Welcome Home".

It came thirty years too late to mean anything.....and posers seem to like to use it a lot!
Most (ALL) were never told that, and truly sincere people mean it very much. But I completly agree with you in this scenario. Just like PX Rangers... and pretend SEALs.
when it comes from a genuwine source, it's a good thing.

i've been told "welcome" home many times, while working "welcome" events myself...

is the LRRPS like a LRSD these days? [wink]

remember to treat groupies kindly. they MAY just be testing YOU. [laugh]
"is the LRRPS like a LRSD these days?" Same thing, more politically correct sounding to go with the times. I mean after all, what's the difference between long range reconnaissance patrol and long range surveillance detachment????????????????

I detest hearing "welcome home". As was mentioned, a whole lot too damn late. I do, however, appreciate the genuine sincerity with which it's uttered and never let it be known that the words make my skin crawl.
"is the LRRPS like a LRSD these days?" Same thing, more politically correct sounding to go with the times. I mean after all, what's the difference between long range reconnaissance patrol and long range surveillance detachment????????????????

I detest hearing "welcome home". As was mentioned, a whole lot too damn late. I do, however, appreciate the genuine sincerity with which it's uttered and never let it be known that the words make my skin crawl.

i live in a totally hippy-happy-feel-good liberal area...

what grinds me?

thanks for your service... you must be ready to get out.... i don't support the war(s), i support you....

and so on...

but hey, i can't complain, it gets me free coffee too
Not to deter this thred... which it totally kinda does and you have my apologies upfront. What grinds my gears is when people..esp liberal feelings flock moonbats ask if you have PTSD. Here is a direct quote when a professor found out I was in AF. "Oh my gosh, how is the PTSD? Thats just too awful, children going to war." To which I replied "Are you ok? It's not something you catch, and most certainly not everyone has PTSD. And I'm pretty sure those "children" are adults and they made the choice to volunteer." Ok thats my rant.
Have to totally agree with you Skysoldier. Years back I had to train a new driver. Everyone was telling me he was ex SEALS. I'm like that'd be cool. Got him in the truck did the small talk. Said to him I hear you're ex-seals he said ya. What about you. I said Navy did the Tonkin Gulf in 68'. Didn't say a whole lot after. Started asking him more and he said he started training and got some blood disease or something was in the hospital then let go on medical but they told him that even though he didn't complete training he would always be a SEAL. Ummm maybe I'm wrong but never heard that before. Just was another wannabe I think. I understand the feelings behind the Welcome Home from people and appreciate it but isn't the same since it was 40 plus yrs coming. Glad to see the support though for the current GI's.
'Welcome home' to a Viet Nam Vet seems a little late. How is 'Thank you for your service'? I like to show my appreciation to any vet for their service.
Sounds about right
I tried out for UDT. Didn't make it during qualification physical tests. Never considered myself UDT either. Too bad some people feel the need to try and stand out. To me just the fact that he served be it stateside or anyplace else, peace time, war time would of been enough for me to think of him as a brother. Lying though just he lost my respect. Oh and he only lasted a few months on the job. But I guess he can say he was a trucker now. LOL

'Welcome home' to a Viet Nam Vet seems a little late. How is 'Thank you for your service'? I like to show my appreciation to any vet for their service.
Thank You

When I meet another Vietnam Vet, I just say "Thanks for serving with me, brother."
My thoughts exactly.
I've noticed your posts to that effect and thank you for the support for those that served and are serving. Curious your screen name in relationship to the F4 Phantom's?

No, no relation to the F4's. Hubby named his jeep Wildweasel from the cartoon Centurions. It was a weapons system. So it has stuck with all of his vehicles that he has built up. Lol
I make it a point to Thank everyone, because when I joined the Army it was right after Viet Nam, and even then it was not cool to be in the military. Things changed right after the Beruit bombings when hubby and I were coming back to the states.
Our son just before he was deploying had to endure protesters as they were finishing up their paperwork. Joys of living in the happy valley. I don't want anyone serving thinking that they are not appreciated.
Ah ok. I know the F4's later (after Nam. We had F-4J's on our ship over there) were called I believe Wild Weasels seeking out anti-air missile sites. I believe they were also still used until a short time ago. Was just curious. Out of all the planes we had I just had this thing about the F-4J's.
I think my fellow Vietnam Vets would all agree on one thing.......

Back when the "Welcome Home" thing got started,( late 80's ?) is when all the posers started coming out.
It was kinda mid 80's. We were coming through customs and a customs officer saw were were military pulled us out of the line, told us welcome home,barely looked at our ID's, bags, etc and sent us through. Probably pissed alot of people off. That was our first experience. When I was flying to Berlin right out of AIT in uniform I got sooooo many nasty looks. For us it was right after the Beruit bombings when the Welcome Home started.
I'm sure that was the start of the posers coming out of the woodwork.
I have worked with a few of Vietnam Veterans over the years doing Security and LE work. All I did was listen to some of their experiences, some were funny BUT most of thier stories that were told had me in tears!!!

Not once did any of the guys ask me why my eyes were wet.........................

As for "posers". I worked as a Security Supervisor in a hospital and we got a new guy for me to train. I was "advised" before hand that this new Offficer was a "highly trained Special Forces Marine" and carried his DD214 in his wallet to prove it. Ya right!!!

So, I told this "Marine" about the in's and out's of the hospital ect.......Well one night he is doing his regular DETEX tour in an area I warned him about due to it being a "dead zone" for our radios. It's seems the highly trained "Marine" encountered a drunk on the loading dock and the Marine ended up being sliced and diced on his face,hands and arms. He tried to call for help BUT the radio does not work down there, which is why I warned him to be VERY careful when in that part of the hospital!!!

We all knew this guy was a total FRAUD and it only took him a few weeks to prove it!
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