Weld on AK Muzzle

Mar 8, 2008
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I was doing some cleaning on my Wasr-10 and I got the idea that I wouldn't mind putting a flash hider on my AK. Well it appears as if there is a weld on the muzzle and I can't unscrew it. I got word that maybe it was part of some sort of overseas ban or it may have come from Conn. However, I did buy it in MA. Not sure what would be a solution to this problem. What do you all think? I attached a pic for a visual reference and I know I won't be winning any prize money for this breathtaking shot. The weld is opposite of the front site. Thanks for any help.

AK Weld.jpg
I was doing some cleaning on my Wasr-10 and I got the idea that I wouldn't mind putting a flash hider on my AK. Well it appears as if there is a weld on the muzzle and I can't unscrew it. I got word that maybe it was part of some sort of overseas ban or it may have come from Conn. However, I did buy it in MA. Not sure what would be a solution to this problem. What do you all think? I attached a pic for a visual reference and I know I won't be winning any prize money for this breathtaking shot. The weld is opposite of the front site. Thanks for any help.

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There is no solution other than moving to a state that has no AWB.

Translated... no flash hiders allowed on post 09/13/94 "assault rifles" in this state.

You can have a muzzle break welded on, but it would have to be manufactured in the USA... easy enough to find.

BTW... I can't view the pic. Might be a problem on my end.
Hmm thought that would fall under the whole preban category. Thanks for the input. I'll have to admit the AKs in the Gun Ballery kinda gave me the idea. Kinda sad that I may have seen a few from Cali on it. Man we're so lucky we live in a great state.
Just go with the normal AK-47 style slant brake. It's not a flash suppressor and gives it the good 'ol commie look.
I've seen some WASR-10s with a gawdawful nut welded onto the end of the barrel. Just nasty.

Removed the ugly nut with a dremel and put a threaded compensator on the WASR. Then, I had my favorite gunsmith weld the comp on.

Now, it's MA legal and the comp makes a huge improvement on the follow up shots. [smile]
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