Well, the defendants didn't appeal....

Good for you... I’d fight as long as I could aswell.

I don’t find the 20k to be just compensation.
It neither satisfies your injury or costs the police/city enough to prevent them from continuing to abuse people rights.

I find it a lacking compensation also. I've seen a case where a city office worker was awarded 2.5 times that(50K)for words uttered by one of their coworkers.......WORDS!!!!!!!, not even threatening words.......FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS!!!!!!!
Good for you... I’d fight as long as I could aswell.

I don’t find the 20k to be just compensation.
It neither satisfies your injury or costs the police/city enough to prevent them from continuing to abuse people rights.

It could have been $200k, or $2M, and it wouldn't be enough to stop them from violating people's rights, because it doesn't come from the pockets of the violators.
Jury Awards N Smithfield Resident $20K in Damages for Unlawful 6-Year Seizure of Weapons by Police | News | The American Civil Liberties Union of Rhode Island

They had until yesterday to appeal the jury award and did not according to my attorney.

So, I guess the "check's in the mail" or it'll be accruing interest.

I'm amazed at how long these things take to wind their way through the system. When they say the wheels of justice turn slowly, they aren't kidding!

A little poetic justice is in the works. For all the crap I went through with this, I thought it apropos, I use some of the money to replace the aging cesspool here and install a proper septic system.[cheers]

I wonder how long before I see a check n the mail. The jury made the award on July 10th....
Great job, this made my day!!!!
It could have been $200k, or $2M, and it wouldn't be enough to stop them from violating people's rights, because it doesn't come from the pockets of the violators.

As much as I hate to, I'll have to disagree. If it were a 200k or a 2 million judgement, the municipality would be a lot more careful of who they hire and how they are trained.

No it wouldn't come out of the pockets of the violators directly, but it would sure do some good to hold a sword over the necks of those who would be so blatant in their violations.
I agree, it wasn't enough. The fact is, how can you put a dollar amount on civil right? People die protecting those rights and in my opinion, a civil right is priceless. Unfortunately, I live in an ultra liberal state and I had an ultra liberal judge.
The truth is, I was never in it fr the money. I was in it for the principal of the matter. The week before the trial, they tried t settle and my council asked me what I would settle for.
My answer was "$1 and injunctive relief".... The defendants passed....
In short, if the police would have agreed to change their policies to be within the law and be Constitutional, I would have taken $1 and walked away feeling victorious...
The RI ACLU really are here to protect our gun rights. I don't know what has given the ACLU a bad rap in other States but here in RI I can't praise them enough.
I thought so as well, but they got several estimates. In MA you have no choice if you want to sell your house. If you can't pass title5, then you can't sell your house.

Yes, I'm familiar with title5. I also find it to be a criminal conflict of interest too, where the licensed people doing inspections are also the people licensed and in the business of doing the actual work or have friends or relatives in the business and are getting kickbacks.
The bullshit about upgrading the size of a septic tank to current code for the number of bedrooms in a house before it can be sold is also ridiculous. The existing tank sufficed when the system was initially inspected and the first occupancy permit was issued for the same number of bedrooms and in most instances, nothing has changed in the surrounding landscape. The whole process is just another way to impose more fees and taxes on the home owner, increase home prices and increase real estate agent's commissions.

I'm so glad I am free of all that corrupt crap.
Does the Title V mandate repair prior to sale or just full disclosure of test results? I recently saw a real estate listing that a term of sale as "buyer will improve septic system if necessary at his/her expense".

I think most RE agents would rather deal with a slightly lower price than the hassle, delay and potential loss of buyer in a failed Title V inspection. I almost bought a weekend place until the inspector pointed out the building would be in great shape after at least $150K worth of work. Every other line in the inspection report read "Consult a <insert paid professional>" (roofer, electrician, plumber, land grading specialist, etc).
This thread has turned to S***.

I applaud your persistence, JayR.

Congrats to clearing your good name and getting you guns back.

"injunctive relief" - a new term learned by me.

Hope to never need it.
I was just looking through my old posts and thought I'd give an update...

After winning this suit, I settled another out of court. ACLU Settles Suit

In doing so, it cleared up some internal files at my local PD that were preventing me from firearms purchases. I know they should not have been but the were...

Also, our local police chief retired to spend more time with baseball (in the winter?) ‘Quiet professional’ Chief Reynolds retiring | The Valley Breeze

I'd like to think my suit had something to do with that but it's likely wishful thinking on my part.
In an case. Things here in town have been quiet since the suits were closed out. There's been no trouble at all...
JayR - excellent. Good for you.

Does the Title V mandate repair prior to sale or just full disclosure of test results? I recently saw a real estate listing that a term of sale as "buyer will improve septic system if necessary at his/her expense".

You can actually convey title in Ma with a holdback and clause that buyer is responsible for the repair - but it's very rare. and most banks wont lend with a failed title v. But I see the same thing more often on NH listings.
Good luck. Talk to your attorney about how to get the money out of the town. I hope they cough it up quickly and easily.
Some pharmacists sued KMart for age discrimination and got a large judgment. KMart tried to avoid paying it. U.S. Marshals visited a KMart in Florida and did a "till tap", emptying the cash registers and the store's safe just a few minutes before it opened for business. The Marshals indicated other KMart stores would be next, so the company paid their judgment creditors. One major embarrassment was enough to convince them to do the right thing.
Don't expect it again- They've been public about not supporting any more 2a cases.

ACLU as a whole...... but keep in mind they aren't the Borg and each state is different than the next as the RI ACLU proved here. They really had my back on this.
I would have liked to appeal the 2A statute of limitations in Boston but it was getting expensive for them and I understand they can't let me eat up all their funds.
I won't complain. my main objective was the due process and the came through with flying colors there!

On that second suit, I felt like a Dateline story in the making. I'll say no more than that. I'm just glad the bogus notes have been removed.
Some pharmacists sued KMart for age discrimination and got a large judgment. KMart tried to avoid paying it. U.S. Marshals visited a KMart in Florida and did a "till tap", emptying the cash registers and the store's safe just a few minutes before it opened for business. The Marshals indicated other KMart stores would be next, so the company paid their judgment creditors. One major embarrassment was enough to convince them to do the right thing.

When it comes to civil rights violations, one must prove harm. For someone like myself who is disabled, that's a tall order. It's not like I was an employee who lost wages. All I had was "pain and suffering". Again, it was a tall order to fill when on the stand and the defense is pressing you to prove your pain and suffering is not from a host of ailments you already have being on disability.
Some pharmacists sued KMart for age discrimination and got a large judgment. KMart tried to avoid paying it. U.S. Marshals visited a KMart in Florida and did a "till tap", emptying the cash registers and the store's safe just a few minutes before it opened for business. The Marshals indicated other KMart stores would be next, so the company paid their judgment creditors. ...

A "till tap" is even more fun when the constables take the till (so to speak).
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