Well today is it boys and girls.

Best thing I ever did was marry my shooting partner [smile] And like someone said... "Yes Ma'am" are the two most important words you can learn. They'll get you out of more trouble than you can imagine [party][party]

Been married 19 years. On my wedding day my wife's grandfather told me that the key to a happy marriage is two words... "Yes Dear". I looked right at him and told him I was glad that had worked for him all these years but that I had four words. "Shut the F*** up". She smacked me right off the head

I was the Best Man at my cousins wedding. The night before the wedding I took his shoes and wrote "Help Me" on the soles. When they knelt on the alter the whole church saw it and burst out laughing. His mother in law was pissed

Honestly, the key to a happy marriage is simple. You know what makes her happy... try to do more of that. You know what makes her unhappy... try to do that less.

Also, when five years from now she tells you she really doesn't want anything for her birthday, don't believe it. I did that once and the next day I heard her talking to her sister on the phone saying "Do you believe that bastard didn't get me anything for my birthday?"

Best of luck
Oh well, why should you be happy!

I was lucky. I discovered (28 years after the fact) that my better half would turn out to be my fly-fishing and shooting partner. I was EXTREMELY lucky. You should be so lucky.

How soon ya think it'll be before he check in here ? [laugh]

I'll give him 36 hours. Priorites, ya know. [wink] [wink]
Wouldn't everyone on NES check in with an update between the ceremony and the reception?
If he's smart it won't be till he gets back to work on the 23rd or 30th.
Note that they haven't [STRIKE]come up for air[/STRIKE] checked in yet. Bodes well... unless they snuck off to the Appleseed Shoot at Harvard. Since Nick is a full Instructor and his lady is an IIT, that is. [smile]
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