Well well well....Guess Rosenthal isn't above the law

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Not only did he try, he succeeded!.
And, he was stupid enough to go on public radio and admit it!!!

Now lets see if the law is applied equally as harshly as it is to "the rest of us"
That kind of stuff just makes me sick. It just shows how completely ignorant people are.
That kind of stuff just makes me sick. It just shows how completely ignorant people are.

Bailey is trying to get his case "Pre tried" in the court of public opinion and trying to gain public sympathy for his admitted crimes.

If you or I did the same thing, the sword would fall upon our necks. Let's see if Lady Justice is peeking through her blindfold and the scale weight is shaved a bit.
You know the worst thing about the article is the "tone" in which he writes it. My god it made me want to puke. I can just imagine all the antis reading this a just nodding their heads.
FTA: Belair could have bought 100 guns in tax-free, no-limit New Hampshire that day, and I could have put them in my trunk and driven (illegally) home. That was exactly the point I was making. That is not what I did. Belair took the gun with him; I'm afraid of guns.

So Mr. Bailey. Since you're so afraid of guns you don't try to understand them, learn about how safe proper firearm ownership is, learn how responsible 99.9% of firearm owners are, make an effort to understand why gun control doesn't work. No...learning all that would just be too hard for you and wouldn't sell newspapers. Instead you project your irrational fear of guns and try to punish the rest of us with your inane rambling with the hope of having stupid laws passed. ARRGGHHHHH [angry]

I'll tell you what Mr. Bailey. I really don't like peanut butter, you might say I'm afraid of peanut butter. So since peanuts kill hundreds (if not thousands) of people per year why don't we regulate the sale of peanut butter????

Too pissed to continue ranting....Urrghhh!!!!!

Brag about how easy it was to commit a felony and get harassed by the cops.

I wonder how long, if ever, it takes to realize that a felony committed in the name of journalistic research is still a felony and subject to the same punishment(s) under the law.
I'll tell you what Mr. Bailey. I really don't like peanut butter, you might say I'm afraid of peanut butter. So since peanuts kill hundreds (if not thousands) of people per year why don't we regulate the sale of peanut butter????

We already do, all Peanut products must be labled like a pack of smokes.[wink] Last I heard there is no PB in school lunch either. Poor kids.
We already do, all Peanut products must be labled like a pack of smokes.[wink] Last I heard there is no PB in school lunch either. Poor kids.

I once read that there's baseball staduims that are not allowing Peanuts. Either in the stadium, or in "Peanut Free" Sections. I don't recall now.

But either way, that's what Baseball is all about...a beer and a bag of salted peanuts in the shell.

"Give me some Peanuts and Cracker Jacks."
I don't often respond to there.. but I had to:

Mr. Bailey,

I just read your article and find it in very poor taste. How do you expect anyone that is a law abiding citizen to sympathize with you when you call the gun lobby "loony", yet you decided to get together and commit an illegal act to prove a point? Sir- would you rob a local convenient store to prove how easy it was?

Mr. Bailey I'm all for accountability and find it pathetic that you blame NH and other neighboring areas for Boston's problems. What you did (along with others that may have done so) is illegal... we don't need more laws to fix this problem. Simply go after these offenders that are the source of the problem. Go after the repeat offenders that have the highest likelihood of committing a violent crime.... you'll soon see that the law abiding citizens aren't the source of problem you are looking to fix.


NRA supporter
I don't often respond to there.. but I had to:

Mr. Bailey,

I just read your article and find it in very poor taste. How do you expect anyone that is a law abiding citizen to sympathize with you when you call the gun lobby "loony", yet you decided to get together and commit an illegal act to prove a point? Sir- would you rob a local convenient store to prove how easy it was?

Mr. Bailey I'm all for accountability and find it pathetic that you blame NH and other neighboring areas for Boston's problems. What you did (along with others that may have done so) is illegal... we don't need more laws to fix this problem. Simply go after these offenders that are the source of the problem. Go after the repeat offenders that have the highest likelihood of committing a violent crime.... you'll soon see that the law abiding citizens aren't the source of problem you are looking to fix.


NRA supporter

Let us know if you get a reply (unlikely I know)...
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