What’s your weak point?

Preparations: This is likely my weakest point. I could survive 2-3 weeks with the food I have on hand, but wouldn't like it much. Water supply on-hand is lower at the moment, though I have a well pump and short term storage containers, so with a couple of gallons of gas, I could get about a weeks worth of water easily.

First Aid: Fairly Strong Here. I've taken a number of courses (required to maintain a Red Cross First Aid cert for work). I've been told my stitches "look like hell" but they work in a pinch and I'd rather have a deep, wide stitch that will scar than a shallow, narrow stitch that pulls out. Camping and hiking has taught me how to handle a fair range of First Aid requirements.

Fire: Lighter, Matches, Sparkers w/ tinder. I even have some experience with making friction fires (rubbing two sticks together) I have some firewood, tinder, paper etc in the house as well.

Cooking: Good here too. I've even cooked in my fireplace (Ice Storm last year, bacon, sausage and eggs in a cast iron pan in the fireplace!) I also tend to make popcorn on the stove instead of the microwave.

Navigation: It's been a bit since I did Orienteering, but I do have experience with Map and Compass.

Fishing/Hunting/Trapping - I have limited experience with trapping, but I think I'm good enough to suppliment food if need be. I'm in a suburban area, but I know there are small animals in the neighborhood as well.

Of course, practice helps and we can always learn and improve. I'm not the best off person in the world, but I'm better off than 95% of the population.
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