What accounts for MAs low violent crime rate?

Ma. and Ct. with more gun control have a higher violent crime rate than ME. NH and VT.

CT's violent crime rate is REGIONALIZED. It's pretty much an urban issue. Pack a lot of people into a small place with little money, few jobs, few opportunities and gee what do you think will happen? Oh - here's my surprised face - CRIME. Hartford, New Haven, Bridgeport. Take them out of CT's statistics and see what happens.

I lived in CT for forty years. For about five of those years I lived in Stratford, which borders Bridgeport. Stratford was, (I presume still is, but don't know), a very nice little town. Bridgeport was and by all accounts still is a sewer.

Oh - and those three cities? And the state itself? Democratic run by the way.
Poverty is an indicator or predictor, but we should remember it's not the cause. There are plenty of places in the world, even in the US, with poverty and low crime. Some high population density as well, like in Asia. It's cultural.
Remember Yankees do segregation through expensive real estate. So it only gets more dangerous for the poor, regardless of their color. If you go looking you can find overlays of crime stats with race plotted on maps and charts. Blacks make up 13% of the population yet responsible for 50% of homicides, been that way for decades. Worse it is mostly black Males doing the killing, about 6% doing half of America's murdering. Culture is downstream from genetics. And no amount of lefty denial or state intervention will change that. Big takeaway is QOL is better in a shitty house in a nice neighborhood than the reverse. Tribe first for safety and QOL.

God I've been saying this for years. The irony of states like Massachusetts(liberal, wealthy, educated) is that the majority of voters preach socialism and justice but have segregation through real estate. You talk to the some of these people in places like Concord, Sudbury or Lincoln and you'd think you were talking to Bernie himself. But the exclusiveness and expense of the towns they live in keeps out the riff raff. And that's how they like it.
It could be that MA also pays out well to the FSA
You can get something like $60,000 in state aid if you do it right. Those who can play the game probably get more.
I think we have a wave of violent crime slowly coming in behind the opiate problem.

This. We pay the likely criminals off......not that there aren't plenty of drug dealers that hide behind the women that collect.

The new "crime bill" will enable more crime....and eventually it will get worse.

The only thing keeping this thing afloat is that MA tends to have higher income jobs, high taxes to pay off criminals, and a lot of trust fund money, and higher housing costs to keep the riff raff out of most areas. There are enough makers to hide what they pay in welfare/healthcare/foodstamps to do nothings here. We also pay a ton to do nothing political hacks at every state level. But eventually taxes will move business out of here, and the dems will run up the cost of things so much it will go ass backward. Think Detroit, Chicago.

And if you look at the majority of "white" areas of MA, you'll probably find low crime rates. But that's raciss....
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Skin color is the amount of melanin in the skin. Why do you pick that to differentiate behavior? How about kidney function, or some other metabolic pathway, does that affect behavior? Or ... wait for it ... how about looking at neurons instead of skin cells, if you're interested in explaining behavior? Now, what kinds of differences do you know about in neural structure and chemistry between people with lots of melanin and people with less? I'm guessing nothing.
The genes that code for darker skin come packaged with genes that code for impulsiveness, violent behavior, less future time orientation, etc. And you know this. America isn't built on magic dirt, America is built on a genetically small group of Anglo immigrants. No magic dirt, no proclamation nation nonsense. Liberia is a great example they have a Constitution that is a direct copy of ours, how is that working out for them? But if everybody had a healthy breakfast and we paid teachers more money we could force equal outcomes... And busing definitely need busing. <- sarcasm disclaimer.
Civil debate and disagreement is not only acceptable but should be encouraged. Suggesting a "genetic predisposition to violence and crime" adds absolutely nothing to the debate and, if anything, drags it down to double-digit IQ levels and reflects poorly on the entire website and community.

Civil debate includes any and all theories, no matter how half-baked. I disagree with your premise that if one discusses topics that are verboten by the PC police it somehow means one is a Neanderthal or an idiot -- this is the tactic of the left.

Here's a book on the topic of race and intelligence :

View: https://www.amazon.com/Bell-Curve-Intelligence-Structure-Paperbacks/dp/0684824299

-- if you don't like it don't read it, but please, don't suggest people get banned because they bring a particular topic to the forum.
I think the reason is because Mass is a fairly well to do state. Generally the more expensive and exclusive neighborhoods are the safer ones. There is a lot of expensive real estate in Mass. Firearms ownership doesn't cause crime often poverty does. Idiots like Maura like to use the statistic that our tough gun laws lead to low gun crime but...Look at NH ME and VT they have extremely low crime rates and very little gun control.


Your likelihood of being a. . . . hood is inversely proportional to education level and income. Which is why I propose to give everyone an honorary collitch degree. Ergo, everyone is more ejamacated and crime will plummet.
Liberia is a great example they have a Constitution that is a direct copy of ours, how is that working out for them? But if everybody had a healthy breakfast and we paid teachers more money we could force equal outcomes... And busing definitely need busing. <- sarcasm disclaimer.

Liberia's constitution has little to do with it. We spent 70 years trying to export Democracy all over the world. It only takes hold in places that actually have skin in the game and care. Taking a carbon-copy of the US Constitution is a sure-fire guarantee of failure.
The genes that code for darker skin come packaged with genes that code for impulsiveness, violent behavior, less future time orientation, etc. And you know this. America isn't built on magic dirt, America is built on a genetically small group of Anglo immigrants. No magic dirt, no proclamation nation nonsense. Liberia is a great example they have a Constitution that is a direct copy of ours, how is that working out for them? But if everybody had a healthy breakfast and we paid teachers more money we could force equal outcomes... And busing definitely need busing. <- sarcasm disclaimer.

Actually no, you're wrong. Indians (dot not feather), have darker skin, but higher levels of education, and wealth, than Whites (pale), and other Asians (darker than white). Hell, on average, Asians (darker than white) have a higher level of education and wealth than whites.


I don't have the crime rate stat for Indians, but when was the last time you saw/heard of an Indian guy get arrested for...anything?
When was the last time you met an Indian guy who didn't have a bachelors (probably in math or science), and a stable family situation?

I'd argue that Asians commit fewer crimes than other races (ya know, cause we're meek/timid people and all). Or maybe it's cause of culture. We mind our own, we take care of our own.

Some of the other controversial stuff on this thread is debatable, but the darker skin theory is a joke.

But, you're talking about Black people right?;)
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All the H1B dots have college degrees, big whup. Take a look into educational cheating in Asia, dots and slants. All those nice numbers don't add up. Then search 'open defecation' come back and tell us how smart that continent is. Cheating is an Asian trait, so much so that it isn't wrong in those cultures, it just is the way they are. If there is all this brainpower in India why isn't the country awesome? All those smart people with all those college degrees and the country is third world. Why?
We need to stop immigration just because it isn't fair to brain drain all these lovely countries. Let their best and brightest build a country better than America where they were born. Should be easy considering how often we hear how stupid, lazy, and just downright trashy white Americans are. If you aren't an American and are living here then you are being a traitor to your heritage and should return home to your ancestral country and make it great again.
Actually no, you're wrong. Indians (dot not feather), have darker skin, but higher levels of education, and wealth, than Whites (pale), and other Asians (darker than white). Hell, on average, Asians (darker than white) have a higher level of education and wealth than whites.


I don't have the crime rate stat for Indians, but when was the last time you saw/heard of an Indian guy get arrested for...anything?
When was the last time you met an Indian guy who didn't have a bachelors (probably in math or science), and a stable family situation?

I'd argue that Asians commit fewer crimes than other races (ya know, cause we're meek/timid people and all). Or maybe it's cause of culture. We mind our own, we take care of our own.

Some of the other controversial stuff on this thread is debatable, but the darker skin theory is a joke.

But, you're talking about Black people right?;)
I think the reason is because Mass is a fairly well to do state. Generally the more expensive and exclusive neighborhoods are the safer ones. There is a lot of expensive real estate in Mass. Firearms ownership doesn't cause crime often poverty does. Idiots like Maura like to use the statistic that our tough gun laws lead to low gun crime but...Look at NH ME and VT they have extremely low crime rates and very little gun control.
Pretty much anything inside 495 is a high income area. Just look at home listings. Even Roxbury and Dorchester have become unaffordable for those who fill all the low pay service jobs in Boston. Back in the 90's the Globe ran an article about crime getting lower in Rox and Dorch. They quoted a residents saying they want the crime rate to go back up because white people were moving in, driving up rents and housing prices.
I could never afford to buy anything inside 495 if I ever moved back. Woburn used to be working class. Not anymore. Besides, I'd have to move to NH. I like may standard capacity magazines and scary black rifles.
Was back up there for a family wedding in the summer. Traffic is so much worse that back in 2008 when we escaped.
All the H1B dots have college degrees, big whup. Take a look into educational cheating in Asia, dots and slants. All those nice numbers don't add up. Then search 'open defecation' come back and tell us how smart that continent is. Cheating is an Asian trait, so much so that it isn't wrong in those cultures, it just is the way they are. If there is all this brainpower in India why isn't the country awesome? All those smart people with all those college degrees and the country is third world. Why?
We need to stop immigration just because it isn't fair to brain drain all these lovely countries. Let their best and brightest build a country better than America where they were born. Should be easy considering how often we hear how stupid, lazy, and just downright trashy white Americans are. If you aren't an American and are living here then you are being a traitor to your heritage and should return home to your ancestral country and make it great again.

Cheating in Asian countries is most likely a result on the high pressure for academic achievement in those countries as opposed to the rest of the world. The fact that India is still a third world country despite the large growth of professional talent in the country is the result of high population density, and that India is a fairly recent economic power.

Government stability, pleasant communities are the product of economics: when the people have their needs met, and have a financial stake in their future. Race has nothing to do with it.
Places like Appalachia have high rates of poverty and lower rates of crime.

I actually laughed out loud at this. While there may be parts of Appalachia with low crime and violent crime rates, they're not the parts I live in. Folks just deal with it in their own way rather than involving the law. I'm fortunate though that the family that populates the cove I live in has a reputation and even the worst of the worst don't want the headache that turning up our road brings.
A friend of mine had a large property a few ridges over from me and had some issues with people coming on his property stealing and vandalizing. He went to the Sherrif and was told he'd be worse off if they did anything for him, but instead he should go to the offending party's house and fire a riffle over their roof. Pretty sure that, along with many, many incidents aren't showing up in any stats.
All the H1B dots have college degrees, big whup. Take a look into educational cheating in Asia, dots and slants. All those nice numbers don't add up. Then search 'open defecation' come back and tell us how smart that continent is. Cheating is an Asian trait, so much so that it isn't wrong in those cultures, it just is the way they are. If there is all this brainpower in India why isn't the country awesome? All those smart people with all those college degrees and the country is third world. Why?
We need to stop immigration just because it isn't fair to brain drain all these lovely countries. Let their best and brightest build a country better than America where they were born. Should be easy considering how often we hear how stupid, lazy, and just downright trashy white Americans are. If you aren't an American and are living here then you are being a traitor to your heritage and should return home to your ancestral country and make it great again.

Another fact to dispute your Dark genes = crime theory.
So Asians (darker than white), make up about 6% of the U.S. population, but 1.5% of federal prison populations.


I don't know how to correlate/compare cheating with Asians though...so I'm gonna try to stay on topic
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Civil debate includes any and all theories, no matter how half-baked. I disagree with your premise that if one discusses topics that are verboten by the PC police it somehow means one is a Neanderthal or an idiot -- this is the tactic of the left.

Here's a book on the topic of race and intelligence :

View: https://www.amazon.com/Bell-Curve-Intelligence-Structure-Paperbacks/dp/0684824299

-- if you don't like it don't read it, but please, don't suggest people get banned because they bring a particular topic to the forum.
If you want to defend a racist POS, be my guest. Me, I'm going to call out this moronic "theory" every time because it's indefensible. I'm not being PC, I'm being a half-decent human being with some brain cells.
No insane pretzel logic here, I just haven't seen strong evidence with studies utilizing strict controls and sizable sample groups to draw a definite conclusion in that regard. With the marshmallow studies, the conclusion that certain groups have better impulse control than others doesn't translate to propensity toward violent behavior.

My belief that culture (in-group bias/identity, family unit, social values, religious/spiritual beliefs, etc) is the biggest determinant can be readily observed. For example, East Asian countries like China, Japan, and South Korea have very low violent crime rates, while Southeast Asian countries like Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam have high violent crime rates. This trend can be seen here in the US among the diaspora, with Chinese, Japanese, and Korean Americans having some of the lowest rates of violent crime and highest rates of education, and vice versa for Southeast Asian Americans, where street gang membership is a big problem in those diaspora communities in southern California and here in MA (Lowell), and many end up not finishing high school. All these different ethnic groups belong to the Asian race, with shared physical traits and genetic make-up. Given that, if it were all because of genetics there wouldn't be such a significant disparity.

"Asian" is not really an ethnic group to the best of my knowledge. You make good points and granted cause and effect are difficult to untangle when addressing questions like this one. However, I would also argue that there is more to culture than environment and historical accident. Yes, culture is also at least partly genetic, though it's also more malleable than I would have thought given the astounding success of the last 50 years of left-wing propaganda.

So now defending the idea that everyone is not exactly the same is a revolutionary act.
Anyone who has taken freshman statistics understands that correlation does not imply causation. This maxim is often ignored by people pushing an agenda.
If you want to defend a racist POS, be my guest. Me, I'm going to call out this moronic "theory" every time because it's indefensible. I'm not being PC, I'm being a half-decent human being with some brain cells.

Go tell it to Chief Flynn.

I'ts a combination of culture, social status, income, and family structure.

I believe that most people that are slanted toward crime have something wrong with them mentally.

Criminals tend to have low impulse control and reasoning.
Lol, you guys need to direct your anger to American Kennel Club, those people openly preach "pure blood" and "genetic predisposition" Racist POSs. :)

Higher education doesn't mean less crime, just different crime, less violent but still less necessity for it. Look at our criminals on Beacon Hill.
God I've been saying this for years. The irony of states like Massachusetts(liberal, wealthy, educated) is that the majority of voters preach socialism and justice but have segregation through real estate. You talk to the some of these people in places like Concord, Sudbury or Lincoln and you'd think you were talking to Bernie himself. But the exclusiveness and expense of the towns they live in keeps out the riff raff. And that's how they like it.

Thanks for posting because you nailed it, dude. Yankees do segregation through real estate and they do it so well Bull Connor would be proud. The inhabitants of Concord, Sudbury or Lincoln signal their virtue via 1MW laser while keeping a tight grip on the small and carefully controlled amount of low income housing in their town.
Another fact to dispute your Dark genes = crime theory.
So Asians (darker than white), make up about 6% of the U.S. population, but 1.5% of federal prison populations.

This debate is not about you, don't take it personally.

I laugh when Americans say Indians are smart as Indians are dumb as ****, the average IQ is 82. However, the subset of Indians who make it to the USA are quite smart, hence the myth about Indian intelligence.

The strong negative correlation between criminality and IQ explains the low crime rates of Indians in the USA.
CT's violent crime rate is REGIONALIZED. It's pretty much an urban issue. Pack a lot of people into a small place with little money, few jobs, few opportunities and gee what do you think will happen? Oh - here's my surprised face - CRIME. Hartford, New Haven, Bridgeport. Take them out of CT's statistics and see what happens.

I lived in CT for forty years. For about five of those years I lived in Stratford, which borders Bridgeport. Stratford was, (I presume still is, but don't know), a very nice little town. Bridgeport was and by all accounts still is a sewer.

Oh - and those three cities? And the state itself? Democratic run by the way.

http://sultanknish.blogspot.com/2016/01/america-doesnt-have-gun-problem-it-has_4.html Large cities are the largest contributors to violent crime in every state just some more than others. I read a book 400 years of gun control (why isn't it working) Amazon product ASIN 0981738222View: https://www.amazon.com/Four-Hundred-Years-Gun-Control/dp/0981738222/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1214848883&sr=8-1
and if I remember correctly they said if we banned cities over 250,000 that violent crime would be reduced substantially. As you said living on top of one another without a lot of opportunity makes for disgruntled people.
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