What are YOU spending YOUR hard earned dollars on to prep for the inevitable eventual collapse of the U.S. Dollar?

Check out JASE medical. I ordered one of their sets, 250 bucks but at least one full course of all common oral antibiotics. I already have zofran, but I 100% recommended adding that on. ELIMINATES nausea with no discernible side effects.

I'm fairly well prepared for a short to medium term (several months) disaster, but I'm moving next year (more on that later) so I'm focusing on some of the bases I haven't covered, as long as they're relatively portable. These are things that I think will probably be impossible to find in any kind of civil unrest scenario, and will only get more expensive as time goes on:
  • Ammo, mags, parts: sending these to a free-state address in anticipation of my move. I buy ~200 a month in ammo.
  • Optics: just bought a fairly high-spec Gen III WP PVS-14, getting NV compatible optics and mounts for my primary long-guns
  • Gear: I have basic gear, but I'm slowly accumulating better stuff, and I need a helmet and mount for my new NOD
  • Gardening: not portable, but good experience and (eventually) fresh veggies and grains! I enlarged my garden this year, using experience from my raised beds last year. I now also have more yard and gardening tools, including a wheelbarrow
  • Getting ready for "strategic relocation" back down south next summer when my GF is done with grad school. We want to be closer to family, and I have a helluva good friend group for SHTF back home (two doctors, an ex-marine ER nurse, my mom is a retired NP and two current police officers, one with EMT experience). She has a chronic disease, so having all the medical help is going to be great.
  • Investing in skills. I have done some work with microcontrollers in the past, but going back and doing some projects to re-learn this. I want this to be a side hustle. I also bought a small GTAW welder and am learning that again, I took some training way back but I really need to start learning from scratch. Another useful skill and possible side-hustle.
Thank you so much for mentioning JASE. My PCP used to set me up with emergency meds for foreign travel to countries with high risk for the bad stuff we don't get here. Last time I asked he declined, so f him I'll order what I need from JASE and have the pack for SHTF emergency.

Very good overall prep list. Though I've done lots of backpacking including some 2 week 140+ mile treks in mountainous terrain and have all the gear, I'll be a bug-in guy. No reason to give up an easy to defend property with my own well and veg garden. One kid's going to be a NP and the other plus the Mrs. are good shots. I have neighbors geared up like me. I still don't buy into TEOTWAWKI fantasies but after seeing the Soros funded BLM and Antifa destruction during the Wu Flu meltdown, it would be foolish to not have a plan for isolated survival and defense of one's resources. Those a-holes were on the cusp of raiding outlying areas and that will likely be their strategy next time. At the very least we could see another collapse in supply chain for some period of time.
Thank you so much for mentioning JASE. My PCP used to set me up with emergency meds for foreign travel to countries with high risk for the bad stuff we don't get here. Last time I asked he declined, so f him I'll order what I need from JASE and have the pack for SHTF emergency.

Very good overall prep list. Though I've done lots of backpacking including some 2 week 140+ mile treks in mountainous terrain and have all the gear, I'll be a bug-in guy. No reason to give up an easy to defend property with my own well and veg garden. One kid's going to be a NP and the other plus the Mrs. are good shots. I have neighbors geared up like me. I still don't buy into TEOTWAWKI fantasies but after seeing the Soros funded BLM and Antifa destruction during the Wu Flu meltdown, it would be foolish to not have a plan for isolated survival and defense of one's resources. Those a-holes were on the cusp of raiding outlying areas and that will likely be their strategy next time. At the very least we could see another collapse in supply chain for some period of time.

Yeah, even a full counter-value nuclear war would probably not be a TEOTWAWKI situation, see the fictional account of Charlottesville, VA after a nuclear exchange, written by those in the know with your tax dollars: Charlottesville: A Fictional Account of a Nuclear Attack (U.S. National Park Service)

Something along the lines of the collapse of the soviet union, south africa or yugoslavia is more likely. Not mad max, but still bad and widespread. A group and good preps will be key.
That certainly sounds like the prudent approach to an uncertain future. For me anyway, the bitch of it is in the details.

I've recently sold off a bunch of things I no longer needed, but that resulted in paper cash. If/when the big crash comes, that paper will be useless except for maybe burning to keep warm.

Yes, I can still convert that paper for now into silver &/or gold. Is that the best answer? PM prices are still very high, so I could end up losing a lot if things ever start to normalize again. Banks? Not sure I trust them anymore. I'm sure I'd lose everything in banks or brokerage in the coming big crash.

Guns & ammo I've got. No need for more. Food? I guess there is never really enough. But beyond that, what makes sense to buy right now for the coming big crash is not all that clear. I think it has to be something worth trading. Booze? Cigarettes? Gasoline? Diesel? Toilet paper? 🤔

People like prepping for the SHTF scenario cause that’s way more fun than prepping for a world where you still have to pay your Verizon bill and car insurance. Only in that world your paycheck is all but worthless cause Washington has destroyed the dollar inflating itself to ever bigger proportions.

The first scenario is very unlikely while the second one is a near certainty.
People like prepping for the SHTF scenario cause that’s way more fun than prepping for a world where you still have to pay your Verizon bill and car insurance. Only in that world your paycheck is all but worthless cause Washington has destroyed the dollar inflating itself to ever bigger proportions.

The first scenario is very unlikely while the second one is a near certainty.
As you point out, we are already living the second scenario... with some of us doing better than others (sometimes much better). For example, I could no more buy a new car or truck at this time than become our next president... but there are others out there doing just that every day still. Our money is becoming progressively more worthless for sure, but those folks with enough of it are still able to live a reasonably normal American life.

But like the person who buys a fire extinguisher even though the odds of a destructive house fire are low, you are still wise to plan for less likely (but potentially catastrophic) events. There may be a "fun factor" involved for some, but I am dead serious when I look at the world today and wonder just how bad it could get. Hell, I never thought it could get as bad as what we are already experiencing under (fake) president Dementia Joe B.

My only saving grace is that I am old and don't have many years left. I only have to run out the clock. I win if I'm dead and in the ground before the coming societal collapse. Until then, as long as I can stay fed and warm and my old car holds up, it's about the best I can hope for.
There may be a "fun factor" involved for some, but I am dead serious when I look at the world today and wonder just how bad it could get. Hell, I never thought it could get as bad as what we are already experiencing under (fake) president Dementia Joe B.

Yeah, I have been into "prepping" for almost 20 years, and the tone has gotten way more serious in the past few years, like everything has suddenly gotten very real. It changes your perspective when you buy something or train to do something when you KNOW you're going to have to rely on that item or skill in a life and death situation.
Yeah, I have been into "prepping" for almost 20 years, and the tone has gotten way more serious in the past few years, like everything has suddenly gotten very real. It changes your perspective when you buy something or train to do something when you KNOW you're going to have to rely on that item or skill in a life and death situation.

Yeah, totally, it first hit me like 2015 that the US appeared headed to a bad place. I bought an AR15 and took two Sig classes on how to shoot it. And I started prepping.

But I think you primarily have to prep for more of the same, ever devaluation of our purchasing power, and ever inflation of financial assets like stocks and real estate.

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