What happens to anyone possessing a pre-ban Glock hi cap mag?


NES Member
Apr 20, 2016
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I am not a LEO but was talking with a small town LEO about pre-ban glock mags and asked what happens when they find someone in possession of a pre-ban hi-cap glock mag. I was shocked when he told me that they don't care whether it is pre-ban or not and that anyone found in possession of a hi-cap glock mag would have it seized and they would be arrested/charged with a violation and the case would go to the court/DA. It would then be up to the person to prove that it was a pre-ban mag in court. (Although I thought that the burden of proof would be on the police/prosecution to prove it was post ban and prohibited.) If this is accurate and reflects how other LEO departments handle possession of glock hi-cap mags, then anyone possessing per-ban glock mags is in jeopardy of being charged and is taking a huge risk possessing any. Is this how other LEO departments handle possession of glock hi-cap mags?
Anything is possible in this armpit of a state, but I only remember one instance of hearing about someone being charged for possession of a high capacity magazine. The Magazine was found in a vehicle search of a suspected gang member. No gun was found.
The person charged had no LTC or FID Card and was charged under the chapter and section for not having a LTC Class A Large Capacity, not the assault weapons ban.
This was 20 years ago.
I don’t think this is how most other departments/officers handle this. Actually from the ones I know, the opposite is true. Most don’t care if you have a post ban mag as long as you have a ltc. Sure there are a few that follow the law to the letter, but those are in the minority.

I am not a LEO but was talking with a small town LEO about pre-ban glock mags and asked what happens when they find someone in possession of a pre-ban hi-cap glock mag. I was shocked when he told me that they don't care whether it is pre-ban or not and that anyone found in possession of a hi-cap glock mag would have it seized and they would be arrested/charged with a violation and the case would go to the court/DA. It would then be up to the person to prove that it was a pre-ban mag in court. (Although I thought that the burden of proof would be on the police/prosecution to prove it was post ban and prohibited.) If this is accurate and reflects how other LEO departments handle possession of glock hi-cap mags, then anyone possessing per-ban glock mags is in jeopardy of being charged and is taking a huge risk possessing any. Is this how other LEO departments handle possession of glock hi-cap mags?

So what this leo basically says is - if you are "legal" and carry with CCW, this leo (as well as everyone else in his/her department) will basically perform an illegal search on you just to see if what you carry is Maura-Legal or not?
Otherwise, how else said leo would know how many rounds you have in your mag?
And what constitutes for said leo and his/her department the 'hi capacity' benchmark? Is it 10 rounds, 12, perhaps just 7?

Something doesn't sound right.
I am not a LEO but was talking with a small town LEO about pre-ban glock mags and asked what happens when they find someone in possession of a pre-ban hi-cap glock mag. I was shocked when he told me that they don't care whether it is pre-ban or not and that anyone found in possession of a hi-cap glock mag would have it seized and they would be arrested/charged with a violation and the case would go to the court/DA. It would then be up to the person to prove that it was a pre-ban mag in court. (Although I thought that the burden of proof would be on the police/prosecution to prove it was post ban and prohibited.) If this is accurate and reflects how other LEO departments handle possession of glock hi-cap mags, then anyone possessing per-ban glock mags is in jeopardy of being charged and is taking a huge risk possessing any. Is this how other LEO departments handle possession of glock hi-cap mags?
Absolute nonsense. Barney Fife needs to go back to the academy.
Having seen the machinations of a persecution in a Mass Marsupial Court where the person was charged with a non-crime, charges of large-capacity for a standard SKS and their clips, etc. I have no doubt that some PDs will confiscate and jack a person up for possession of a legitimate pre-ban mag!
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