What kind of firearm might this be?

May 8, 2011
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Read more: <http://www.vancouversun.com/news/Gang+Task+Force+gives+details+dramatic+take+down+k idnappers/6151817/story.html#ixzz1mPFj72SQ>
Possibly loaded?
How many basic safety rules is he violating?

How many times have you seen a photo of a gun that was confiscated being held up by someone, mag in, nothing indicating that the gun is empty and safe.
At least his finger isn't on the trigger. I wonder what he is pointing it at.[rolleyes]

Possibly loaded?
How many basic safety rules is he violating?

How many times have you seen a photo of a gun that was confiscated being held up by someone, mag in, nothing indicating that the gun is empty and safe.
At least his finger isn't on the trigger. I wonder what he is pointing it at.[rolleyes]

I think they do this intentionally because it looks scarier with the 'banana clip' in
Possibly loaded?
How many basic safety rules is he violating?

How many times have you seen a photo of a gun that was confiscated being held up by someone, mag in, nothing indicating that the gun is empty and safe.
At least his finger isn't on the trigger. I wonder what he is pointing it at.[rolleyes]

Maybe the mag has ammo in it but the bolt is open. What ever it is, it may operate as an open bolt MG.

Besides, there is a LEO right behing him. I feel safe. [rolleyes]
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