The most important thing when you are just getting into the game is reliability and fun.
To that end, I'd suggest that you spring for a G34. The extra $150 is peanuts once you figure what it will cost for a few years of competition.
The gun is as reliable as gravity and is competitive right out of the box. I prefer a black rear sight. All I do is paint the rear sight black and call it a day. Lately I've used day-glo fiber optic fronts, but its certainly not necessary.
Keep in mind, I don't want to wade into the whole 1911 vs Glock discussion. But I LOVE my 1911s. My Dan Wessons and Les Baers are wonderful guns. But for $1500 to $2300 each they had better be. And no $500 1911 is going to be the functional equivalent of a G34.
I shot IDPA for 10 years with a Gen 3 G34 and it NEVER failed to run properly when shot using factory ammo. Mostly CCI Blazer. (which is the best cheap ammo there is in my opinion) I put over 35,000 rounds before I sold it. And it ran as well then as it did when it was new.
Also, the mags are equally bulletproof. You will be dropping mags onto concrete range floors. The Dawson Precision mags I have for my 1911s not only cost $15 more than Glock mags, they are not nearly as able to take abuse.
In the end. If you just want a 1911, then get one and shoot it. But be willing to spend at least for a Range Officer. And also be willing to spend for at least 10 mags in total.
But if you want to stay on budget and want to maximize your chance of having a good time, then get a G34 and never look back.
A G17 or 19 is fine too if you want to use it more for training and less as a game. I understand that. The first 2 years I shot IDPA I used a G26. I wouldn't let myself buy a G34 (gamer gun) until I made Sharpshooter in SSP with the G26. (This was 1998, there was no CCP division back then.)