what removes paint?

Feb 15, 2009
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Greetings. I have aquired a shot gun that is completely covered in paint. Black, green, brown, tan, olive, you name it this gun seems to have it on it.

I would like to remove all of the paint if possible. I carefully tried to chipped a small section away to see how many coats was on it. It lookes like a pile.

Im not sure, but what i ovserved it appears, when you got to the metal, that it had a matte black finsh. Its a mossberg 835.

Any one know of any tricks of the trade, or solvents i could use to get it back to the bare gun without ruining the metal?
You might remove the stock and try using a hot air gun, should peel the paint without affecting the metal.
This is something I'm familiar with. After deployments I would have to strip the paint off my weapons for reset. The best product to use is graffiti remover, and hot water with a scotch brite pad. Brake cleaner works, so does Hoppes.
This is something I'm familiar with. After deployments I would have to strip the paint off my weapons for reset. The best product to use is graffiti remover, and hot water with a scotch brite pad. Brake cleaner works, so does Hoppes.

Yeah, what he said [grin] Graffiti remover is the way to go.
Does it look like a cheap home-paint job? I often use pure acetone to get rid of paint and it works really well for acrylic and latex artist and house paint. (you can find it at CVS with the nail-care stuff, but you need the 100% acetone, not nail polish remover.)
I just stripped a stock with Citristrip, not sure if it would work on paint but it took the old gloss finish off a 40-year-old Savage stock in less than an hour.

Put it on thick, wrap it in tinfoil and let it sit.
Off (the bug spray) is what we used when I was in boot camp to remove armory numbers and adhesive residue on our M16s. There are probably better products available, but I know that Off will strip paint quite well....sorta unsettling actually considering you put it on your skin. It's also great for getting edge dressing out of a concrete floor.
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