What should i buy next

Dec 2, 2011
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Hey guys, Im looking for suggestions as to what i should buy for my next firearm. I've had my ltc for about 3 months, and have a Sig P226 E2, S&W M&P 15-22 and a Windham Weaponry AR-15. Starting to get the itch to buy something else, but not really sure what. I think i want another pistol, maybe a 1911? What would you get if you were me???
Don't be a girly man, buy 50 cal and you will never ask this question ever again.

How about some classics? M1 Garand, M1 carbine, the for mentioned M1A or a K98 Mauser.

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I'd say a shotgun to round out the collection. After that I'd say a second rifle, some ammo, a second pistol, some ammo, a second 22, yet more ammo, and a second shotgun. Continually rinse and repeat!
buy a nice shotgun bud, get a combo set up if you can with a rifled slug barrel and a choked turkey barrel! you will love life :) frankly a shotgun is an all purpose tool. You can hunt large game with slugs, buck shot, birds and bunnys with pellet. lots of fun, and big power to boot! i prefer a 20ga myself chambered for a 3" shell, lots of guys like 12ga as well. you cant loose with either, just have fun!

Rock Island Armory - great & inexpensive intro into 1911's
Mossberg 500/590 - just 'cuz
Mosin-Nagant - just 'cuz
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