what should I send my corpsman?


NES Member
Oct 18, 2008
Lat: 41.91 Lon: -70.73 Elev: 148
Feedback: 21 / 0 / 0
Hi everyone,

So, he is at FOB Bahariah, Iraq. I asked him what I could send, he said nothing (just the way he is). I am not going with that plan. His brother was in 01-05, we sent plenty of powder drink mix, beef jerky and snack packs. Are these things still good to send? Any thoughts, comments, suggestions?
Hi everyone,

So, he is at FOB Bahariah, Iraq. I asked him what I could send, he said nothing (just the way he is). I am not going with that plan. His brother was in 01-05, we sent plenty of powder drink mix, beef jerky and snack packs. Are these things still good to send? Any thoughts, comments, suggestions?

That would work, cleaning supplies for weapons, things you know he likes. Also this has been covered extensively do some searching,either in this forum,or probably the members area.
We've had a few deployed, and we have quite a few soon going. throw in some gun magazines, books, what ever you think he likes. If you send canned food make sure it has the pop tops and not anything that requires a can opener.
When son was deployed we also kept him in hot sauces and BBQ sauces. Anything to make the food/MRE's taste better.
Hmm... if $$$ isn't an issue, how about both a video camera and one of those ipod's (??) capable of playing movies/videos. You could preload the ipod (?) with home videos you've made yourself and perhaps some downloaded movies which might be favorites of his. You might find a way to swap the music/videos back and forth once you are both setup on either end.

As you can tell, I'm not tech savy on what these are, but I see lots of people on the planes either listening to music or watching movies, home videos, with these gizmos that can fit in their shirt pockets.

Gizmo's aside, if he's really okay with what HE's currently got, send him pictures of what YOU've been preparing while he's been away so that he knows you are okay (getting squared away) as well!

Have fun deciding and good luck with the decision!
Send him:
Ramen noodles W/ tupperware bowl to make them in.
microwavable food
cookies, and assorted snacks
Cliff bars/ Powerbars
Magazines, books
local news paper
barber brush, weapons cleaning supplies he likes
drink mix
hot sauce
new DVDs
Shampoo/ hygiene items

Thats pretty general w/o knowing him. You know the little things he likes, send him that. Your tracking on what you need to send already I think. Hope this helps.
Get him a Boresnake or 3.

Depending on what the weather is like over there maybe comfortable clothes that he can wear when he is off duty if there is such a time.

Send him a CD or DVD of your thoughts and well wishes of your family to him and something like a portable player if they allow that.
Thanks guys, it does help. Never thought of the microwave food, I'll be sure to drop in a box of popcorn and some other stuff. Will pick up some boresnakes today. I do appreciate it. All I really know is he is working 12 on 12 off, and at a FOB.
Thanks again
haven't been there since 03 but I know we liked baby wipes (no running water, showers, or toilets for 6 months), beef jerkey, copenhagen snuff, magazines, sports illustrated, etc...
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