What to do with a Winchester 1887?

Nov 22, 2012
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My wonderful aunt is giving me my great grandfather's Winchester 1887. It's been on the wall for 50 years. I would like to have it examined and restored. Who are the best gunsmiths in MA for antique restorations?

Thanks in advance.
Don't restore it, it's worse than polishing a old collectable coin. Have it inspected to see if it is safe to shoot. Lightly clean and oil it, track down ammo and head to the range.

Write a letter to winchester, there may be a fee, and see if they can get you a letter of authenticity that you can give your grand kid with the gun when you hand it down
Thanks Fbird. I'm sure that is good advice. However, I'd like to have it examined and discuss the options with a reputable gunsmith.
I will add, your great grandfather left the gun as is for a reason. I only hope it was in good care.. the advice to to give it a light oil cleaning is good.
If you want a pretty 1887 to shoot buy one of these. http://www.chiappafirearms.com/product/831

Doug turnbull out of NY comes to mind for a Winchester specialist.
As for mass the only old shotgun guy I know is rustblue gun Smith.

Good luck and post some pics.....
Take it to an expert so you know what it's worth before you start having work done on it.
Pictures please? Mike Hunter Restorations is somebody to check out. He's an ace on Winchesters and Colt restorations.
Remember that the 1887 was made from 1887 to 1901, and it may look its age. They were made in 10 and 12 gauge with a rolled steel (standard grade) or Damascus (good and fine grades) barrel. They also made a 20" barreled "riot gun". As a reference point for you the year end serial number for 1893 is 54543. All grades are case colored. Congrats on your new gun.
I have one too.
Don't wanna restore it, just be able to put about 10 rounds down range.
Any gunsmith suggestions to check it out?
Load up some 12 gauge BP shells and shoot it!

Here is what you can expect:

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I won't get it for another month but am happy to post photos then. I do know that it was manufactured in 1887. I'm hoping it is just dirty so I can take a couple of shots. I'd love to get a dove with it but that's probably greedy of me. Although I will never sell it, I don't want to do anything that would negatively impact its value.

Any other recommendations on gunsmiths in MA, particularly Winchester specialists?
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