What to do with my lower and stripped upper?

Oct 3, 2008
Blackstone Valley, MA
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I currently have a 16" AR, two stripped lowers and two stripped uppers. One setup is going to be a 14.5" upper (w/ perm brake) and an ACE entry stock so it's small and light for my wife.

I'm having an issue making a decision on where to go for my second lower/upper though. I was originally going to make a 20" .223/5.56 with a Lothar-Walther barrel, but now I'm reconsidering to other calibers. It would be awesome to have a big bore AR, but .50beowulf can't use my upper and I'm not sure that .458SOCOM could either.

I don't want a dedicated .22lr so should I do 9mm, 6.8, 6.5, 7.62, 5.45, .223/5.56 20"? Maybe start the process for an SBR? So many options and I want them all!

I don't hunt, so this would be for zombies and general all around fun.
I am currently in a similar predicament and am trying to decide between a 16" 9mm or a 20+" .223/5.56. I think I will go with the 20+" upper to tack drive with a friend of mine. Then I will play with the 9mm option.

(I like to shoot alot and am trying to keep my calibers consolidated with 12g, 5.56, 9mm, and 22lr. You might not have the same goals.)
The AR I shoot the most is a dedicated 22 LR. Stag lower with a Model 1 Sales upper. Great practice for short money.
I am currently in a similar predicament and am trying to decide between a 16" 9mm or a 20+" .223/5.56. I think I will go with the 20+" upper to tack drive with a friend of mine. Then I will play with the 9mm option.

(I like to shoot alot and am trying to keep my calibers consolidated with 12g, 5.56, 9mm, and 22lr. You might not have the same goals.)
I don't mind stocking another caliber, even it's expensive and obscure. While I like to shoot a lot, I still have the 16" to shoot 5.56. I found out that I need to open up the ejection port for the .458SOCOM also, so I don't know how well that is going to work out. So far it may be between 9mm, 7.62, and the 20"

Keep the upper for a rainy day and build a .50BMG.
Heh, yeah, I'd love to get one of those BOHICA Arms uppers!

The AR I shoot the most is a dedicated 22 LR. Stag lower with a Model 1 Sales upper. Great practice for short money.
If I want a 22 AR, i'll just toss a conversion kit in. Typically when I want to spend all day with a brick, i'd much rather have my 10/22.
Contact us at Remsport. I can custom build you a 9mm, just a note I have a custom 9mm in stock. Please go to the dealer classifide section and take a look. I can sell the upper without the lower if this is what you want. I can also build you a custom 50 Beowulf in 16" or 18" .
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