What would you buy for a bolt gun?

Nothing like a Savage for out of the box accuracy. Try one in .260 Rem. for long range accuracy.Those .264 bullets are better than they should be for accuracy and downrange energy.
I would tend to agree here and take it one step beyond. Just about any of the guns you are likely to look at are more than capable of out shooting just about all but the best shooters. What makes all the difference is your ability to see the target and make repeatable corrections via a good scope.

I think that finding a good scope (at a reasonable price) is a lot more difficult than finding a good rifle. In the sub $500 range you really have to be very careful, there is a LOT of stuff out there that looks great but just does not hold up.

I just completed the SIG Precision Rifle course. There were all kinds of rifles and all kinds of scopes. Having a good scope is very important to precision shooting. If you are going to your range and it is a known distance of 100 yds it won't be that much of a big deal. If you will be shooting at different distances longer than 200-300 yards then a good scope is crucial. Some of the scopes in the class did not track properly, failed the Box test, .25 MOA click on the turret did not equal .25 MOA on paper down range. Scopes fogged up in the rain. The higher end scopes held up. The instructor stressed you should spend more on the glass.

He also highly recommended the Savage 110 as "the best bang for the buck". He works for SIG and could have pushed the TAC, SSG, or Blaiser.
1. Mossin Nagant:: cheap to buy, cheap to shoot, get one made before 1942 if possible

2. Savage 110BA 338 Lapua Mag:: power, accuracy, power.
My dream rifle is a fully optioned AI AW series rifle in .338 Lapua.

Consider a SAVAGE ARMS rifle....I really like mine.

Model 110GXP3
Click on image for enlarged view Model 110GXP3 with ACCU - TRIGGER

OUR PRICE: $549 credit card $538.95 cash or check price.

Here: http://www.fsguns.com/fsg_new_lg.html


"You'll be leavin' your other rifles in the safe!"

(scale 2:1)


The new 19 BADGER is a result of field testing the 19 Calhoon (Hornet) and 19-223. Our minimizing approach to varminting, as John Anderson of Varmint Hunter Magazine calls it, resulted in this new, finely tuned, varmint cartridge. The 19 BADGER is a compact, powerful cartridge with a mere overall 1.3" length, built on a strong rimless case. The 19 BADGER maintains a powder capacity of 18 grains in a column of less than 1 inch. Even with a 25% increase in powder capacity over the "sweet shooting" little 19 Calhoon (Hornet), the 19 BADGER has the same minimal recoil that is so critical to good varminting, allowing you to see your hit time after time. The 19 BADGER provides a comfortable 300 yard range and velocities of 3725 with a 28gr bullet and 3550 with the 32gr. (The 4200+ ft/sec gurus, those geniuses behind the 17 Remington and .204 Ruger, would have you think otherwise, but attempts to achieve excessive velocities cause nothing but trouble for varminters!)

Once you own a 19 BADGER, "You'll be leavin' your other rifles in the safe !"

Time out here for culture in the form of poetry, penned by someone who, for obvious literary reasons, wishes to remain anonymous:

"While the .204 Rugers are scrubbin' out the blue,
The 19 BADGER keeps shootin' deadly and true!"

Here: http://www.jamescalhoon.com/
I will add that my C&R did come in the mail last Friday so those are an option for me. I looked at the CMP site at the M1903 and they look nice, I simply do not know much about bolt guns so that's why I am here looking to be schooled on them as I poke around on the internet also haha.

I'll just leave this here
Stick with the .223/5.56 caliber for what you want to do. Brand that is up to you but as others have said Savage makes an accurate rifle with a model line to fit almost any budget. Worth checking Savages website for nothing more then thier gunfinder tool to help narrow down caliber and opition choices.
I have 3 bolt guns 2 Ruger M77 Mk IIs and a Remington 700 . The Remington and 1 Ruger are 223 and the other Ruger is 7.62x39. The Remington is a varmint barrel and will shoot very small groups with ease. The Ruger has been rebarreled to handle the heavier 69 gr bullets and will do 1" if I take my time. The 2 Rugers have Timney trigger and the Remington's trigger was worked on by a qualified gunsmith.
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