What would you prefer????

Oct 27, 2009
Lowell MA
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I wanted to get the LCP but they are unheard of in Ma on the secondary market. I'm back and fourth on these two models but they are very different...... KelTec P32 (I'd rather P3AT but they are hard to find like the LCP) Or the LCR. I never owned a revolver and the LCR has my attention but at the same time it seems kinda cheap. The P32 has been around for a while so I know it's fairly good quality (even if something breaks KelTec has top notch customer service) I'm definitely looking for something small that I can carry in my vest pocket when I'm on the bike but even the LCR isn't that big.

Since I can't make up my mind I'll take any thoughts on the matter but if you have any other recommendations close to what I'm looking for then I'd be glad to hear em.
Yep. S&W 642. Great pocket gun.

I'm still undecided but after looking thru tons of stuff online I'm thinking about getting a toy instead. Maybe a new 10/22 with the archangel kit or a DPMS build it yourself complete kit. Kinda want a nice small carry gun for the bike but maybe that will wait. Decisions Decisions......
I have and carry the P32 and love it as it is an anywhere gun. I compared the lcr and a 442 the other day and side by side the 442 is much more compact in the grip area. If you cannot get a p32 I'd look for a used 442 and go that route. Also you could try posting in the "WTB" area for a p3at or lcp and you may get lucky.
I've personally never handled or shot a Ruger that was better than a comparable S&W revolver. It would be a very easy choice for me. I like Ruger single actions and I like the Ruger redhawk for an anti-bearattack gun. but I can say that any Ruger double action compares to a Smith double action. Only that they're stronger. But for a pocket gun? Hell, a 442 is about as good as it gets.

I wouldn't buy a plastic revolver. I guess if it was my only option. But given the option of a S&W? There is no choice. What could possibly attract you to a plastic Ruger over a S&W anyhow? Shit, you can still find Smith snubbies for around $300.00.
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