Whats going on!?


NES Member
Feb 13, 2009
Made it to NH!
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What happened to the ability to post links to videos or pictures? I come in this morning and both trying to reply or start a new thread the options to link, make letters bigger, color, bold, underline, etc.

What happened?

Just noticed my avatar is GONE!!???? OMG!
What happened to the ability to post links to videos or pictures? I come in this morning and both trying to reply or start a new thread the options to link, make letters bigger, color, bold, underline, etc.

What happened?

Just noticed my avatar is GONE!!???? OMG!

Looks like the latest update broke something. I'll get it fixed.
Fixed. I think.

Let me know if anyone notices anything else.

sHORTY, everything seems to be back to normal except for one thing: when I logged in today, my avatar was suddenly much smaller than it usually appears. I uploaded my avatar again, and it seemed to go back to normal size, but in another post it shrank again. I'm going to post this and then check to see if it appears normal. BRB.

EDIT: When I first made this post and checked it, the avatar was tiny. I navigated away from this page and then came back, and now it's normal size. I feel like I'm in the Seinfeld episode about "shrinkage." [laugh] I'm using IE 9, the latest version, and I suspect the problem is on my end. Anyone else seeing this behavior?
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sHORTY, everything seems to be back to normal except for one thing: when I logged in today, my avatar was suddenly much smaller than it usually appears. I uploaded my avatar again, and it seemed to go back to normal size, but in another post it shrank again. I'm going to post this and then check to see if it appears normal. BRB.

EDIT: When I first made this post and checked it, the avatar was tiny. I navigated away from this page and then came back, and now it's normal size. I feel like I'm in the Seinfeld episode about "shrinkage." [laugh] I'm using IE 9, the latest version, and I suspect the problem is on my end. Anyone else seeing this behavior?

Yeah. Rolling FF 7.0.1 here, and mine seems to be doing the same thing. Everyone else's avatar seems fine, so it's not as big a deal.
Yeah. Rolling FF 7.0.1 here, and mine seems to be doing the same thing. Everyone else's avatar seems fine, so it's not as big a deal.

Thanks for the info. I'm seeing the exact same thing you are. All the other avatars are fine. Not a major issue, just curious as to why it only happens with the poster. I can live with it.
Thanks for the info. I'm seeing the exact same thing you are. All the other avatars are fine. Not a major issue, just curious as to why it only happens with the poster. I can live with it.

And it's only the new post. For example, my avatar in my post above yours that I'm quoting here looks fine, but as soon as I post this, the avatar on my new post will be ~50% size. If I then hit F5 to reload the page, it goes back to normal. Weird.

[edit] Interesting, so when I made this post, I immediately right-clicked and selected "View Page Source" and then searched on "pdm's Avatar" so that I could find the image HTML tag and see if it had a size param on it. Couldn't find the HTML block associated with the new post, only my prior one. Maybe there's some new default.
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I'll dig in to what's going on, that's really strange. The smaller avatars are part of the mobile style but there's no reason for them to be appearing anymore.

Can one of you guys try completely clearing your cache, restarting the browser, and posting again?

I'm not seeing the same problem with my avatar, so I'm just trying to find out how to duplicate this.
I was thinking, when a post is added, the page that you're viewing is dynamically updated with the new post, but it isn't completely reloaded, yeah? Could that dynamically added bit be inheriting the mobile stylesheet or something?
Yeah, I feel your pain. I'm going to leave this one up to the vB developers as I've ran out of ideas.
There is a fix for this in the pipeline, but the workaround is a bit clunkier than I would like at the moment, so considering the minor nature of the bug, I'm going to let it sit until an official update comes out in the next couple of weeks.
Yeah, it'd be one thing if all the words showed up in Simplified Chinese or something. I'd have to communicate solely through image macros. Okay, well more than I currently do.

Alright alright, not much would change.
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