Where do you turn


NES Member
Feb 28, 2005
Western MA
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When the VA system lets you down? (and no it has nothing to do with our son) I am apart of an Organization called Silver Star Families of America. We honor the wounded.
I can't go into all the details, but the VA has really let this soldier down and to boot he has TBI.
All I can say is the continuity of care from when they leave Walter Reed and go home it is appalling.[angry]
So if anyone has any suggestions please let me know.
Have you called his federal representative? Also, call up Sen. Kerry and Sen. Kennedy's offices and ask for constituent services. They may be able to help.

Try that first. If that doesn't work and he is up to going public, start calling the TV news stations. If you can get the media interested, sometimes public embarrassment helps get the bureaurats moving.
Have you called his federal representative? Also, call up Sen. Kerry and Sen. Kennedy's offices and ask for constituent services. They may be able to help.

Try that first. If that doesn't work and he is up to going public, start calling the TV news stations. If you can get the media interested, sometimes public embarrassment helps get the bureaurats moving.

Yup, they have been contacted, also other VA hospitals. I can't post all the details, but he is not up to going public. He also has PTSD issues extremely bad. His wife is the primary care giver and transportation. They have also turned to the Vets Center. He is 100% disabled, but the VA is basically turning their back on him. He needs the help now, not tomorrow, and his wife doesn't know where else to turn. He isn't the only case I know of, but his is the worst so far.
When the VA system lets you down? (and no it has nothing to do with our son) I am apart of an Organization called Silver Star Families of America. We honor the wounded.
I can't go into all the details, but the VA has really let this soldier down and to boot he has TBI.
All I can say is the continuity of care from when they leave Walter Reed and go home it is appalling.[angry]
So if anyone has any suggestions please let me know.

I do a good deal volunteer work with Operation Troop Support in Danvers. At our last Family Support Group meeting a representative from the MA Dept. of Veterans Services spoke about a new program called SAVE ( Statewide Advocacy for Veterans Empowerment ).

SAVE will act as a liaison between veterans and their families and the various agencies within the federal and state governments. A team of SAVE Outreach Coordinators will focus on community advocacy, suicide prevention, mental health awareness, and referrals. SAVE Outreach Coordinators will be in the field responding to the needs of veterans and their families.

They will do whatever it takes to get any returning vet the care and assistance they need. This includes physically accompanying the vet to each and every referral appointment.

The woman giving the presentation is the wife of a Marine who returned from the sandbox 50% disabled.

Her contact info is:
Cayenne B. Isaksen
Outreach Assistant
Dept. of Veterans Services

Hope this is of some help.
I do a good deal volunteer work with Operation Troop Support in Danvers. At our last Family Support Group meeting a representative from the MA Dept. of Veterans Services spoke about a new program called SAVE ( Statewide Advocacy for Veterans Empowerment ).

SAVE will act as a liaison between veterans and their families and the various agencies within the federal and state governments. A team of SAVE Outreach Coordinators will focus on community advocacy, suicide prevention, mental health awareness, and referrals. SAVE Outreach Coordinators will be in the field responding to the needs of veterans and their families.

They will do whatever it takes to get any returning vet the care and assistance they need. This includes physically accompanying the vet to each and every referral appointment.

The woman giving the presentation is the wife of a Marine who returned from the sandbox 50% disabled.

Her contact info is:
Cayenne B. Isaksen
Outreach Assistant
Dept. of Veterans Services

Hope this is of some help.

[kiss] Thank you very much.You have know idea how much this helps. [wink]
Have you tried the DAV?? http://www.dav.org/ They work their @sses off to help vets get what is coming to them and they do their best to get it done as quickly as possible. Also check into a local VFW post as they have reps available to help assist with these things as well. Does the individual have any ID card benefits or are they only VA authorized? Tricare beneficiary? FWIW, I will be medically retired this year so I have a vested interest in this subject as well and I have done some investigating just in case...
Have you tried the DAV?? http://www.dav.org/ They work their @sses off to help vets get what is coming to them and they do their best to get it done as quickly as possible. Also check into a local VFW post as they have reps available to help assist with these things as well. Does the individual have any ID card benefits or are they only VA authorized? Tricare beneficiary? FWIW, I will be medically retired this year so I have a vested interest in this subject as well and I have done some investigating just in case...

Thanks. I have suggested both. Don't know if she has contacted either. Not sure on the ID card. I will have to find out.
Thank you everyone for your suggestions and I have forwarded all info to her.
Back in the early 70's I had need to use the VA for a service connected disability. I ran into a stone wall.

Long story short, I wrote my Rep (just happened to be the head of the House Committee on Veteran's Affairs at the time) and within a week or so received a letter from a real highup in the VA, straightening out my problem.

I'd suggest that route.

Good luck.
Back in the early 70's I had need to use the VA for a service connected disability. I ran into a stone wall.

Long story short, I wrote my Rep (just happened to be the head of the House Committee on Veteran's Affairs at the time) and within a week or so received a letter from a real highup in the VA, straightening out my problem.

I'd suggest that route.

Good luck.

Thanks Pilgrim,I have also told her to go that route. I have given her all the suggestions,but don't know if she is following through.[thinking]
I can only do so much the rest is on her.[wink]
Major Waldron Sportsmen's Assoc. -( http://majorwaldron.com/web/about/events/upcoming_events/veterans_day_charity_match_2008.pdf ) in conjunction with Pioneer Sportsmens ( www.pioneersportsmens.org ) will be holding a two day three gun style match. It is to benefit the NH Chaplin's Emergency Relief Fund and is supported both days by the Gold Star Mothers who assist in the fund raising. Last year was thew first time we held it and raised over two thousand dollars for the cause. This year it will be held in August. We hold the event grows every year and more organizations like SigSauer support us.
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