Where to buy BB Gun?

Apr 8, 2009
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Best places to buy a BB Gun these days around MA south shore? Not suer what kind yet or whats out there these days but it is for two yound boys to start.

Plimoth Bay Outfitters in Plymouth has some. What better place than taking them to a "real gun store" to buy their guns.
Plimoth Bay Outfitters in Plymouth has some. What better place than taking them to a "real gun store" to buy their guns.

I was wondering what they had for selection? WOnder if a kids would be happy w/ the red ryder? I know I had to have an accurate pump so I could regulate power. Even as a tot I questioned the accuracy of the Red Ryder, I guess I have always been anal about accuracy.
Here's some pics of a nice little shooter. It's a Beeman R7 air pellet gun in .177 cal. You can literally hit an aspirin at 25 yards, rested, with this pellet rifle. I had it at the range today. Very relaxing and easy to shoot. It's wearing a Bushnell Trophy 4-12X40 adjustable objective lens scope.



bass pro has a god selection of BB rifles and I think they have decent BB pistols too. I'd suggest a rifle with break barrel, none of that pump action or co2 stuff. I'd say 150 you can pick up something nice.
I purchased a Remington barrel cocker from dicks in plymouth when they first opened. Came with a scope and a good selection of pellets. It was a fun,fine fairly accurate shooter for the price point(100.00) The scope is still in use now mounted on a ruger 10/22 the rifle was sold to a friend who uses it for rodent control in his barn.
Crossman/Remington/Bejamin are all same owners. Im sure there are some models that over lap also. I had a bejamin when I was kid. It was more of a hunting rifle than a plinker target gun. To cock the barrel was tough.

For fun plinking sometimes just a cheap pumper or CO2 is best. Buy a pellet trap target.
The most fun I had with pellet/BB gun was the mini shooting gallery that my uncle set up in the basement with a red ryder and a crossman 1 cock pistol.
I think they are thinking more of a step up from the red ryder, but will have to chat w/ them this wkend. I don't want the pump up, that was just me when I got my first.
Are you looking for smooth bore BB gun accuracy or air rifle accuracy? Are you looking for something to take to the range or do you want something quiet enough to shoot in the backyard without disturbing the neighbors? I have air rifles in .177 and .22 caliber by Beeman,Benjamin,Gamo and RWS.I don't want to bore you with unwanted details. Let me know what you want to accomplish and I can be of more help.
Just somethnig for kids that won't bore them because of extremely poor accuracy. No big buck fancy stuff. I am thinking the crossman is the ticket. Where r u located? So SHore?
I'm in Westford.Most of the guns I have are in the $400.00 to $600.00 range and are accurate to 100 yards and one is accurate well beyond that.You would probably be well served by the Gamo Whisper or one of the new Crossman Nitro Pistons.The Gamo is not as quiet as the Crossman.Both come with a 3-9 scope but the built in suppressor on the Gamo only quiets the muzzle. It does nothing to quiet the action. The Gamo is about $225.00 and the Crossman is about $300.00. If you're ever up this way, you can shoot them all in my backyard range to see how powerful, accurate and loud they are outdoors.My neighbors don't care what I do.
Air soft guns are great fun.I have a Thompson,an AK74 and an STG44.The kids would always want to shoot them in full auto.They have a smooth bore and shoot plastic balls.They're great on full auto but don't have pin point accuracy in semi auto and they're short range weapons.They would not be my choice for teaching a new shooter but once he learned,I'd get one.
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