Which 1911 is better?

May 3, 2012
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I'm about to purchase either a Sig TTT 1911 or s&w 1911 ta. I would like to get any opinions before I make the purchase. Thanx in advance
I am biases against sig for their QC issues i have experienced , so i would vote S&W, but i would buy a springfield , or a colt for that money
Either gun would be just fine. Both company's have had qc issues. That said I like the sig better. Some people don't want to spend $3000- $4000 on a Wilson combat. There not even in the same ballpark. That's like asking which is better, ford or Chevy and you blurt out ferrari.
I have the sig TTT, excellent, tac driver. Put both in your hand and pull the trigger, let that decide. The sig barrel is match grade. Did a brief writeup on TTT and how i got it to perform like a $$ 1911. http://www.northeastshooters.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?p=4831824
45ft if you can shoot, also did a trigger job in it.
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I have owned both. The sig TTT is the only 1911 i have kept. Something around 4k rounds no hiccups. Great shooter. No need for trigger jobs. Just shoot it. Human is limiting factor, not gun.
I have a Sig, its a great 1911. S&W is great too. Really cant go wrong. Honestly the Ruger is great too. Id say look for the best deal and go with that one.
Either gun would be just fine. Both company's have had qc issues. That said I like the sig better. Some people don't want to spend $3000- $4000 on a Wilson combat. There not even in the same ballpark. That's like asking which is better, ford or Chevy and you blurt out ferrari.

Except there's a performance difference between a Ford and a Ferrari.
Except there's a performance difference between a Ford and a Ferrari.

even the lowest quality 1911's are more accurate than 99.999% of humans. in almost every case, the human is the limiting factor. i put myself in this category....rarely is the gun the limiting factor to my performance and it's nearly always me. i am yet to find a shooter who demanded the highest quality 1911's AND could shoot worth a shit. typically it's one or the other. for this reason the ferrari vs. toyota argument holds. the whole "get a wilson combat" is simply BS. it wasn't the OP's question AND it's irrelevant.

even if i had the $$ for a wilson combat, I still wouldn't purchase one because the human behind the trigger is the limiting the factor.
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Ihave had the chance to shoot the TTT & a few S&W 1911s For the money I pick the Sig. I found it to be much smoother & for me it just felt good, Good Luck.
I've only owned two 1911's, a S&W and a Dan Wesson. For the $1200 I spent on the pro series S&W 1911 I wasn't impressed. Lots of tooling marks though the trigger was good.
I am not a fan of proprietary extractor systems, especially those for which the manufacturer will not sell you spare parts (but require the gun go back to the factory to have a new one fitted). There have been many attempts, but nobody has really beat the original 1911 extractor design for serviceability and maintainability.

He might be right on a technicality. I'd imagine 95%+ of the people in the world might not even own guns, never mind even have a base level of proficiency.

No one is debating the quality differences between a Sig and a Wilson Combat. If i had to guess, by the 2 pistols the OP mentioned, the OP isn't made of money.

I guess I am - that was my point. There's a substantial performance difference between a Ford and Ferrari. A Sig and a WC? Not so much.
I guess I am - that was my point. There's a substantial performance difference between a Ford and Ferrari. A Sig and a WC? Not so much.

Ford doesn't make supercars on a normal basis like Ferrari. Sig doesn't make Wilson combat 1911's on a regular basis. Sig makes affordable guns, like ford and there cars.
Their both about the same.. Id go with the SW just because it will fit most holsters and what not. Most of the sigs have different dimensions than an actual 1911.

On a side note I don't think buying a 1911 is worth it unless you get something hand fit. Your giving up a lot when you decide to run a 1911 instead of a modern handgun IE Glock or whatever. You are however getting accuracy, long life over 10s of thousands of rounds still remaining accurate, a great trigger that will stay great if its a high quality hand fit 1911. If it isn't your not getting any of those things.. you just have a big, heavy, low capacity, bad triggered thing that looks like a 1911.

The car analogy is great. A hand built 1911 or 2011 is like a Ferrari... A Rock Island, basic SW, basic Sig, Ruger etc is more like a Ferrari kit car that you threw a 4 cylinder into.. not really worth it. The good thing is most people aren't good enough and don't shoot often enough to know the difference.
Alright not top open another thread about 1911's

i need everyone's help in deciding Between a Springfield TRP, and a Springfield Loaded 1911 Long Beach Operator.
i am leaning torwards the long beach operator because i am a fan of the smooth front strap. but i don't know if the TRP is that much better
They have the trp with a bull barrel bushingless barrel that i don't understand why it would be better than a match fit bushing.. or a rail less version that sucks compared to the LBO


This is the LBO
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They have the trp with a bull barrel bushingless barrel that i don't understand why it would be better than a match fit bushing.. or a rail less version that sucks compared to the LBO

The bull barrel puts more weight out front to help reduce flip, both can be equally accurate or inaccurate depending on fit. The last TRP I played with, the barrel wasn't even close to be fit properly. They would had to actually try to F it up that bad
Bull barrel vs bushing barrel: one is no more inherently accurate than the other, each depends on the fit. The bull barrel model will have more weight out front.

Do you want an adjustable or fixed rear sight?
fixed rear sight , though it would have been nice is they put something with a ledge on it . but i would rather deal with the LBO fixed and night sights than the TRP sights
It will be both :) even though rare, maybe a few times in winter or the woods.

but i has mostly limited myself with the Glock 19 or 42 for carry,

for range i have a 9mm RIA tact II ms 1911 that works great for the range without breaking the ammo bank

though i do debate on getting a SA EMP 3" 9mm 1911 to replace a glock 19.. maybe , but idk yet.

first i want to replace all the .45 glocks i have with the LBO. the 1911 in .45 just fits my smaller hands compared to the glock .45 especially single handed shooting due to the grip
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