Which Kel Tec Sub 2000?

Dec 14, 2005
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Thinking about picking one up to plick with but not sure which 9mm to grab...Glock, S&W, Beretta, Sig. I like the idea of a fun pistol caliber rifle for the range.

I know a few members have them and wondered which is preferable. I understand that all but the Glocks are interchangable with replacement pistol grips which I'm sure are not cheap. I figure there are hi cap mags available for all of them, not sure what the costs are but I've seen mags for S&W & Beretta from $15 - $20 each and and Glock for around $30 - $40 a piece. Not sure of the Sigs. I know there are 32 round pre-ban mags for the Glocks. Any other extremely hi cap mags for the others?

Opions are appreciated. [smile]
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I personally would want a Glock 9mm one. Been looking for a while for one, just haven't been able to find one. Missed one up at State Line by a 1/2 hour a few months back.
I have the glock compatible model, found the 17 round glock magazines are pretty reliable. I got some 33 round 3rd party magazines, and they are less reliable, if fully loaded the first round or two can be sluggish to feed. Maybe if you had a genuine Glock 33 round mag it would be better.

I was leaning toward the Glock but wasn't sure if there was a preference out there for the others. It will probably come down to which one I may be able to find, since I do not have any of the compatable handguns (Glock, Beretta, S&W etc) it really won't make a difference except in the cost of additional and hi cap pre ban mags.
I believe that 'conventional wisdom' is to go with a GLOCK version, unless you have existing guns that could share mags with a S&W or other version.

You'd definitely have maximum mag options with a GLOCK version.
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