Which state?

thanks all for the well wishes. really getting excited about the move (and anxious to get it done). we will be leaving in 11 days and should arrive within 14 days at the most - depends on how slow/fast me and the boy want to get there and see along the way and whether we get a room along the way or just sack out in the minivan.

I cannot explain how much I miss my husband. We have not seen each other in over 4 weeks. We have never been apart this long and we have been together for more than 24 years and married for 21. Despite any problems we have ever had, we have stuck together knowing that "on the other side of the shit storm" we wanted to still be standing next to each other. He has been my one constant in life that I can count on.
... I cannot explain how much I miss my husband. We have not seen each other in over 4 weeks. We have never been apart this long and we have been together for more than 24 years and married for 21. Despite any problems we have ever had, we have stuck together knowing that "on the other side of the shit storm" we wanted to still be standing next to each other. He has been my one constant in life that I can count on.

I told my wife at the outset that this marriage thing was on a trial basis. I'd give it 50, maybe 60 years and then we'll reevaluate how things are going. (notwithstanding NES Meme commentary about hitting this or that, she's my everything - sounds like you have the same there)
I told my wife at the outset that this marriage thing was on a trial basis. I'd give it 50, maybe 60 years and then we'll reevaluate how things are going. (notwithstanding NES Meme commentary about hitting this or that, she's my everything - sounds like you have the same there)

I used to joke that way with my wife
Unfortunately she re-evaluated on her own after 20 years and divorced me
My wife and I were born and raised in MA. We are looking to get out (though the Cape will always be my home). It always comes back to GA, TN, and AZ. Admittedly, I am nervous about the heat, as winter is in my blood.

In my blood too, though after the last one, I think I somehow metabolized it :)
I don't like/do anything "fun" related to winter - Ski or all the snow stuff. I like to keep the stove burning and preparing wood, and I love the cold. But the piles of endless snow.. man, that sucked.

The conditions out west where it snows, piles, and just disappears by evening time -with high elevation, less trees so the sun rays make it anywhere and generally warmer daytime temperatures - great combo, snow is left where it's neeed - up on the mountain when you wanna go skiing or snowshoeing.

You get the feel of winter without being married to a snow blower or a shovel for three long months.
(Lived in Albuquerque NM for three years, did not own any of them), it was cold in winter time, bitter cold even, snowed every few days at some point, but it was more like "hey look snow, how nice" and not "Holly mother of ... it's snowing again WHY!!!"

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For Me, It would be New Hampshire if I wanted to stay somewhat local, but I hear Arizona, Florida, and Nevada calling my name after this past winter......
For whatever reason I think I'm settled on Tennessee. I've never been there but I'd never been to MA before I moved here and I've been here a long time. Fixing up my house and figuring out what's next in life is what's keeping me from moving. Maybe it's Early Onset Midlife Crisis but I need to change careers. We were not meant to spend our lives in tiny cubicles.

This message brought to you by the letter T and the number 9.
I have dreams of Idaho but I'm not sure how close they are to reality and I'm a little bit turned off by the potential to get brutally battered by winter.

Idaho is on my short list of places I'd like to try out, it's not as bad as you would think(at least in the Boise area).

Annual low temperature:
Average temperature:52.5°F
Average annual precipitation - rainfall:11.66 inch
Days per year with precipitation - rainfall:-
Annual hours of sunshine:-
Av. annual snowfall:19 inch

[TD="class: totals_left_column"]Annual high temperature:[/TD]
[TD="class: temperature_red totals_right_column"]63.7°F[/TD]

[TD="class: temperature_blue"]41.3°F[/TD]

Yeah, I seem to recall Boise having a climate closer to VA or NC. It's just nestled in a little pocket.

This message brought to you by the letter T and the number 9.
Well I have to say that so far I love the weather in Texas! It's hot but not humid. And heat is good for you to an extent. And it's pretty freaking wonderful when every day the forecast is 95 and sunny. Someone told me it will be 100 next week. I can't wait!
Wife is from TN and we are currently here for family and I have been bugging her for us to move back here for years.
I am from NH and this winter sucked until I forgot about chiggers. went shooting and legs covered in bites, I love my state and bring on the cold
If I had no reason to stay up here, it would be Toledo Bend/Sabine Parish area of Louisiana. My folks picked up and left NH and "retired" down there, and live next door to my sister. There is some land right next to them for sale that I'd like to get my hands on.

The wife/kids would not be happy.....
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Wife is from TN and we are currently here for family and I have been bugging her for us to move back here for years.
I am from NH and this winter sucked until I forgot about chiggers. went shooting and legs covered in bites, I love my state and bring on the cold
Jesus, if your wife won't go with you, I'll come! I sure won't snuggle and keep you warm at night, but I'll do the dishes....lol.
to everyone who has warned that we won't like the heat - so far so good. it's regularly in the mid 90's every day since I have been here and I love it. I drove home from the book store with the windows down and the A/C OFF. Feel the heat!

They say it may reach 100 degrees next week!!! [smile]
to everyone who has warned that we won't like the heat - so far so good. it's regularly in the mid 90's every day since I have been here and I love it. I drove home from the book store with the windows down and the A/C OFF. Feel the heat!

They say it may reach 100 degrees next week!!! [smile]

You've already been there to long and have gone insane, your brain has already been stewed in it's own juices and your ramblings about how wonderful the heat is proves it.

[laugh] J/K, so long as it isn't humid I'm okay with the heat.
I'm looking at only being here a few more years so eventually a move is inevitable.
I'm looking at Wyoming
Not a fan of no seasons. Yeah winter there is cold but I'll live
The divorce left me with half a pension and WY is one of only a few states that do not tax pensions
Population-wise its about right for me.
The fewer people, the better.
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