Why have primer prices remained high?

Feb 21, 2013
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A few years ago a box of spp srp and lrp was $20. They went way up after the ammo shortages. Ammo prices have normalized but primers remain high. This seems like more than a supply and demand issue. I haven't reloaded in a few years and would like to get back into it but based on primer and powder prices it makes no longer sense. Are the prices being set by primer manufacturers or dealers?

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Also, primer demand is still high, including defense purchase contract needs

Sure but most things have gone up by anywhere from 20% to 100%. Primers are up 500% and haven't budged. If it were just a materials thing then ammo would have remained high but it came back down. Powder is about 50% higher and bullets haven't changed a lot. It's just the primers that skyrocketed and never came down.
Primers under $60/1000 is the best it's gonna be for a while. Wait for a sale online from places that will ship to u and eat the bill unless you want to risk another panic where they cost over $100 a brick.

We got another 3 years of better prices, then the panic cycle resets and it begins again. I'm ok with spp, but need lpp and when a good deal comes up, I'm jumping on it.

Primers are never going below $40 a brick ever again.
Primers are coming down but availability on some are still hard to come by.
SPP have dropped a lot.

Powder is slowly coming back and we’re seeing more and more “sales” because people aren’t panic buying.

I got an email this morning from PV and some common powders are in the $36/ lb range with free hazmat.
Sure but most things have gone up by anywhere from 20% to 100%. Primers are up 500% and haven't budged. If it were just a materials thing then ammo would have remained high but it came back down. Powder is about 50% higher and bullets haven't changed a lot. It's just the primers that skyrocketed and never came down.
Its probably the one thing many reloaders where not stocking deep enough.
For example Im probably sitting on a life time supply of bullets to reload.
I have enough : although not my favorite or ideal choices . So unless I really up my consuming levels will last a good while.
Lucky enough to get in a good primer order before the BS , so enough to cover my needs for the year , maybe
If not its 22lr for the foreseeable future
A few years ago a box of spp srp and lrp was $20. They went way up after the ammo shortages. Ammo prices have normalized but primers remain high. This seems like more than a supply and demand issue. I haven't reloaded in a few years and would like to get back into it but based on primer and powder prices it makes no longer sense. Are the prices being set by primer manufacturers or dealers?
Because you guys keep buying them.

Look up "sticky price".
Shelves at decent vendors are chock full. Eventually they’ll need the cash flow and cut the prices.

Based on my experience with the primer booms and busts over the past 50 years, my prediction is we’ll see $45 eventually but not less.
Shelves at decent vendors are chock full. Eventually they’ll need the cash flow and cut the prices.

Based on my experience with the primer booms and busts over the past 50 years, my prediction is we’ll see $45 eventually but not less.

That sounds about right, give or take. We're officially in the new trump slump so its certainly possible... and it wont be much before we hit a low-ish spot.
just got a sale email from Midsouth Shooters Supply

Not even a little discount for buying 5000 round case . The last primer group by we did was 2018 the 5000 round case I think was 229 if we ordered them 50,000 out of whack, we got free shipping and free hazmat. Then we got a discount depending on how much the actual overall order was.
Apparently, it seems now they can sit on the inventory longer. Anyhow, it is what it is there’s not much we can do about it other than just stop buying the stuff.
STOP buying primers "just because". A teaser pic and this was not too long ago in 2017. Cheap prices resulting from large inventories. Granted you can't control world economics, but you can control domestically.

View attachment 978484
Thst was the jacked up Rilieys price lol
5000 CCI large Rifle from powder valley back then whee 22.50/1000 when buying 5000 and lots if free hazmat and shipping deals
Just before the wolf primers stopped coming in those where $100/5000
O well I think what will happen is .06 each will be the new cheap price.
I think I still have a few K of Winchester or CCI(?) LPP that were maybe $12/1K. Have to move a safe to open the cabinet and cut a lock to find out. Curiousity is killing me.
How's the quality of the imports?
I’ve run some with zero issues. A couple buddies have run others and the only issue was one Glock (garbage guns) needed a heavier striker spring to make them go bang. With that being said he had a LOT of rounds on the current striker spring so it might have already been worn out.

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