Women take it outside (GOOD news article)


Lonely Mountain Arms
Mar 13, 2005
Starksboro, VT
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HUDSON -- Pat Thompson wants to dispel a few myths about the outdoors and convince more women that outdoor life isn't scary, that the challenges are manageable, and that the menu can satisfy even the pickiest of gourmands.
Thompson, a regional coordinator for the national Women in the Outdoors Program, hosted an outdoors event yesterday at the Riverside Gun Club, where more than 20 women went to learn about compass and map reading, shooting, kayaking and other activities.

"We are trying to show them that no matter what their backgrounds are, they can do outdoor activities," Thompson said. The program offers women a non-intimidating environment to learn about the activities, she said. "The outdoors is not just for men."
As one of the day's highlights, Thompson said, an outdoor-cooking demonstration showed the women how they too could prepare a turkey meal in a metal garbage can.
"It was actually garbage-can chicken," she said, noting a poultry substitution. "That was the thing the girls really, really loved."
Turkey may not have made an appearance at yesterday's feast, but it plays a central role in the organization that sponsors Women in the Outdoors. The National Wild Turkey Federation offers the events as part of its outreach.
Thompson said the organization promotes both hunting and wildlife conservation, and that hunters play an important role in conservation by helping prevent overpopulation of certain animals. She said she gets a lot out of the lifestyle.
"I just love being outdoors," Thompson said. "I like to watch the sun come up, and the whole world come alive the first thing in the morning."
For all of the activities -- and particularly the ones that involve guns -- the sessions feature a good deal of safety instruction, the organizers said.
"It's an adventure, if you do it right," said Pat Nyren, a volunteer from Westborough. "And I think that's why people came here today, to learn how to do it right. You can do it right, and well, and enjoy it."
As shots rang out in the distance from one of the shooting classes, another group of women circled the club's parking lot, following a guide and learning how to read the compasses around their necks. Priscilla Klein of Natick said she enjoys the camaraderie of these events.
"You meet a great group of women who share outdoor interests," she said. "It's always a lot of fun."
Klein said the map and compass reading session appeared to be going well. "So far, we haven't gotten lost," she said.
While Klein is a regular, the event also attracted women who described themselves as not particularly outdoorsy. Pattie Hunt of Marlborough came with her daughter Kellie Watts, sister Mary Venuti of Littleton and niece Kelsey McAleer of Arlington. Wearing a compass around her neck, Hunt suggested she may have some directional issues.
"I get lost in the mall," Hunt said, adding she would bring the compass along on her next shopping excursion. A few hours at the gun club yesterday inspired them, she said. "We want to go on a camping trip."

(Jennifer Kavanaugh can be reached at 508-626-4416 or at jkavanau@cnc.com.)

It's great to get some of the ladies that aren't accustomed to outdoor living, doing these necessary (in my opinion) survival trainings! Maybe we'll get a few extra hunters from it?
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