Fox News has gone woke?

Feb 19, 2008
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This seems to be a story about a 2A victory in the courts...

The Fifth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals struck down a long-standing federal law from 1968 that restricted handgun purchases to individuals 21 and older. The court ruled that the law violates the Second Amendment, arguing that since 18-year-olds were considered adults at the time the Constitution was written, their right to keep and bear arms is protected.

Then the local news outlet getting reactions from LEO and community members....this is a news story, not an opinion piece

Where ya been?

Paul Ryan and the owning family kids are hardcore Democrats
old carlin explained it all very well about the owners class, it is what it is.
al' those dem/gop jokes are for plebs down below, owners are all in their own space, and you are not allowed.
No, no, no, arrest the guns.

Those are all good boys and girls, and guns turn them into criminals.
The arguments to restrict rights just pisses me off to no end.

Chiefs who whine about crime annoys me too.

We don’t have crime because we have police.

We have police because we have crime.

If working crimes annoys you then get another job.

Just stop whining.
We have police because we have crime.
in time all police starts feeding crime to make sure they have more reports to file. it is a self-feeding cancer, and it only knows how to grow and self-sustain.
Wasn't Fox news the network to call Arizona for senile Biden over Trump in 2020 before the polls were even closed there? And Biden only evenrually "won" Arizona by less than 12,000 votes?
Yes. Brett and the other lefties on there are traitors. Thank god the gobbler Neil Cavuto is gone as well.
This is not Fox News Channel.

It is a local Fox affiliate.

There is no bigger supporter for 2a on cable than Fox News Channel.

This reminds me of the local Springfield Fox affiliate. Years ago they were showing the Tea Party political rallies in a bad light.

They are not the Fox News Channel.

The story...

Memphis does not have a gun problem.

95% of murders in that city are committed by a certain demographic.

Memphis has a certain demographic problem.
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Totally biased. I mean, they didn't say "2A is sacrosanct" even once. They didn't quote Patrick Henry. They didn't call any of the anti-gunner people shills. Ergo, they must be biased.

[rofl] [rofl]

Here's a news flash: An article stating that "ZOMG! KIDZ BE GITTIN DA GUNZZ!!!!!" is going to have a ton more views than "In recent news, a US District Court ruled in favor of the 2A based on the Bruen Decision and 250 years of tradition. This is a good day for America."

Liberal? No.

Greedy? Well, yah! Aren't we all?????
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