Worcester Pistol & Rifle Club Pin Shoot July 28


NES Member
Oct 14, 2007
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Pin shoot next Sunday July 28th. Registration opens at Noon first shots at 12:30PM, $5 cash match fee. Optic shooters load their first mag to six rounds just like open sight shooters, but optic shooters have seven pins.

Pin shoots are fun, competitive, practical shooting that sharpens one’s handgun skills under pressure. Shooters are paired against one another, with the round winner advancing to the next level, until an overall match winner is determined. The shooter must clear the table to advance in the winner’s bracket. Shooters that are eliminated continue to shoot in the runner-up bracket. We have three separate matches for one fee $5.00
We use ten pins and candle pins that are cut in half, the shooter starts at low ready loaded with six rounds, there are six (sometimes more) pins on a table. Handguns only, Semi-auto and revolver any caliber is acceptable 9mm, 22, 38, 40, 44, 45, 357. Twenty-two shooters compete with centerfire. The first magazine is limited to six rounds, but shooters load additional magazines to capacity. Typically, shooters need approximately hundred rounds, bring more.

John Cunningham
Here are the winners! First match Alan Finkel, Second match Bill Thorpe, Third match Erik Lufkin

Next pin shoot is Sunday August 25th.
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