WRKO radio ad for Mass. Firearms School

Jan 29, 2011
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This afternoon at about 5:45, during the Howie Carr show, there was an ad for MFS. Recapping briefly from memory, it invited the public to get firearms safety training and qualify for their Mass. license, and to take advantage of more advanced classes and enjoy the new MFS range. The ad was professional and informative. It was refreshing to hear such mainstreaming of firearms education and usage. I'm not sure how long the ad has been running, and I didn't find a prior post about it on NES, so I hope this will be welcome news for at least some folks. Well done, Steve Hathaway & Co. at MFS, and WRKO.

Edit: I wish there were a Web link to the ad that could be posted here. Maybe if someone from MFS sees this? I did find a nice promo for MFS on a prior edition of Howie Carr, which you can hear at this link http://audio.wrko.com/a/37369004/po...y-march-4-2011-smoking-pot-in-the-cruiser.htm in the first couple minutes.
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Training for the "Good Guys". How do they know?

I take it to mean that, in contrast, the Bad Guys are the ones using firearms without being trained or licensed. As a tag line, I think it's clever and has a positive connotation. Though it's different, for some reason it reminds me of, "If guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns." One person's take, anyway.
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cripes in Florida ads like that run every 15 minutes

The June ratings were just released and based on what I saw, nobody was listening to WRKO.

The ratings say they have 253.5K listeners who will listen for at least 5 minutes during the week.
Compared to Kiss108 and 94.5 that have THREE MILLION listeners a week combined.

WODS had almost 1 million listeners and CBS blew that format up in hopes of getting some of the 3 million person pie.

WRKO is on life support.

WRKO is so far down in the ratings, their ad rates are probably low enough that MFS can afford to do a buy.

Based on all the PSA's they are running on HC's show it seems to me there is a lot of unsold inventory.

I mean WRKO's ratings are that bad.

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cripes in Florida ads like that run every 15 minutes

The June ratings were just released and based on what I saw, nobody was listening to WRKO.

The ratings say they have 253.5K listeners who will listen for at least 5 minutes during the week.
Compared to Kiss108 and 94.5 that have THREE MILLION listeners a week combined.

WODS had almost 1 million listeners and CBS blew that format up in hopes of getting some of the 3 million person pie.

WRKO is on life support.

WRKO is so far down in the ratings, their ad rates are probably low enough that MFS can afford to do a buy.

Based on all the PSA's they are running on HC's show it seems to me there is a lot of unsold inventory.

I mean WRKO's ratings are that bad.


How do they come up with these ratings? [rofl] I've only ever been asked a survey based on the couple times they called me because I called a radio station. Like ever. Polling only people who call radio stations is probably not an accurate way of gathering data. Whats the sample set, like 1000 people? [laugh]

For example, there's also the "how often is this station used as muzak" thing. Around here its the local shitty mix station, WXLO, 104.5. They probably have a higher number of "listeners" than all the other stations in the central MA area combined, only because a crapload of places use them as muzak. People are forced to listen to that station, they don't choose it.

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the ratings are now done by a device called a Portable People Meter, that detects signals embedded in the audio of stations that have put the equipment in.

compared to the old fill in the diary system it is pretty accurate at getting a true statistical sample of who is listening to what, when, and for how long.

and they are pretty much tamperproof, they can tell if you didn't wear it all day for example.

that data is turned into a huge statistical package stations use to sell ads to targeted audiences, in the case of WRKO it is old white men.
I never understood how they came up with the listener numbers.
If I have a radio on how does this meter know how many people are listening? I used to work at a convenience store and had a radio on all the time. I would be the only one truly listening to it while my customers were exposed to it for 3-5 minutes at a time.
Sirius fudges their "new subscriber" numbers by taking anyone that buys a new car with Sirius installed and calls them a "new subscriber" (they give away the server free for 12 months to new car buyers so its not an accurate number).
How to lie with statistics.
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