WTB Civilian equivalent of LEOSA training certificate.


NES Member
Jan 4, 2011
South Shore
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The MA Department I retired from has made it very clear that they will never issue the Photo ID required to obtain a LEOSA Identification card making it legal to carry under HR218. However, I still want to take a class and get a certificate that meets the "State’s standards for training and qualification for active law enforcement officers to carry firearms". Is this a course that would be possible to take from any of the LEOSA certified instructors on here?
Talk to Len. He runs those types of courses:

Do you mean the standard MA issued ID that you get as an LEO? My agency issues and processes those for retirees too, why does your agency not do this? Also, it's a state standardized ID, and as long as you're retired in good standing and with (if I recall correctly, could be wrong here) 10 years full time service you qualify on LEOSA. Then qualify annually to state standards. Maybe try to bypass your agency somehow? Seems ridiculous they wouldn't issue you a retiree ID
A principal requirement of LEOSA is that your PD issues you a LEOSA-compliant ID. NOTHING in the law REQUIRES a PD to issue the ID. I know that members of my former department who retired never received such an ID. I was surprised when the chief told me that he'd issue me the ID.

So no ID means no LEOSA coverage. And we MSP certified LEOSA instructors must report each class and student that we run thru the qualification program. We can't issue the certificate unless the person met all the mandated requirements.
A principal requirement of LEOSA is that your PD issues you a LEOSA-compliant ID. NOTHING in the law REQUIRES a PD to issue the ID. I know that members of my former department who retired never received such an ID. I was surprised when the chief told me that he'd issue me the ID.

So no ID means no LEOSA coverage. And we MSP certified LEOSA instructors must report each class and student that we run thru the qualification program. We can't issue the certificate unless the person met all the mandated requirements.

So, as an example of what I'm looking for I'll use a scenario. You work as a security guard shift leader at a hospital. The head of security has been having issues with off duty or out of state retired police coming in with firearms and refusing to lock them in their vehicles. The head of security goes to you and says "I want you to learn everything about LEOSA in this state so we can create guidelines to resolve this issue. I want you to take an equivalent class from a LEOSA instructor and come back with a certificate that states you have passed the same training and qualifications. You don't need to be granted a LEOSA ID, the certificate does not have to afford you any additional priviledges. I simply want an instructor that is certified to train and qualify qualified LEOSA candidates to write up a certificate stating that you also have been able to pass those same training and qualifications."
MSP states that we can only give out those certificates to LEOSA qualified individuals who possess the proper credentials and qualify per the regulations. You can read the CMR that outlines what MA considers LEOSA qualifications (which actually violate the Federal Law). You could read the MA CMR and the actual Federal Law and you will learn what and who can do what wrt carrying on hospital property.

Unless something changes in the latest law, LE are exempt from signage about no guns in places like hospitals, schools, and colleges. Many years ago an off-duty officer had a gun go off on the stairs to one of the buildings at NU. They tried to ban officers from carrying, but found out they couldn't legally do that. [Note: Only active officers can carry on school/college campuses in MA. Retired do not get that privilege.]

Your management might have a bug up their butt about it, but they will find out that they can't legally do anything about it.
So, as an example of what I'm looking for I'll use a scenario. You work as a security guard shift leader at a hospital. The head of security has been having issues with off duty or out of state retired police coming in with firearms and refusing to lock them in their vehicles. The head of security goes to you and says "I want you to learn everything about LEOSA in this state so we can create guidelines to resolve this issue. I want you to take an equivalent class from a LEOSA instructor and come back with a certificate that states you have passed the same training and qualifications. You don't need to be granted a LEOSA ID, the certificate does not have to afford you any additional priviledges. I simply want an instructor that is certified to train and qualify qualified LEOSA candidates to write up a certificate stating that you also have been able to pass those same training and qualifications."
Not fully knowing your background, this sounds like a topic for the hospital's general counsel to pursue.
So, as an example of what I'm looking for I'll use a scenario. You work as a security guard shift leader at a hospital. The head of security has been having issues with off duty or out of state retired police coming in with firearms and refusing to lock them in their vehicles. The head of security goes to you and says "I want you to learn everything about LEOSA in this state so we can create guidelines to resolve this issue. I want you to take an equivalent class from a LEOSA instructor and come back with a certificate that states you have passed the same training and qualifications. You don't need to be granted a LEOSA ID, the certificate does not have to afford you any additional priviledges. I simply want an instructor that is certified to train and qualify qualified LEOSA candidates to write up a certificate stating that you also have been able to pass those same training and qualifications."
from what agency do you get your Police powers (M.G.L. ch.22 s. 63?), especially in light of the POST Commission standards that among other things de-certified all the Rule 400 / 400A Boston "Specials" ( Security Guards, et al) who were sworn as BPD Special Officers for years until POST instituted minimum standards.... that also saw Auxiliary, Reserve, Animal Control Officers and Harbor Masters Stripped of their badges in some cases.
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