WTS 20 gauge accidentally bought

Sep 15, 2023
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I went to cabellas and bought a bunch of federal 20 gauge buck and slugs by accident when I was supposed to get 12 gauge. Can somebody please take them off my hands. 20 slugs and 10 buckshot. Tbh I just want my money back but I can’t return ammunition.
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I went to cabellas and bought a bunch of federal 20 gauge buck and slugs by accident when I was supposed to get 12 gauge. Can somebody please take them off my hands. 20 slugs and 10 buckshot. Tbh I just want my money back but I can’t return ammunition.
Put them away on a shelf and forget about them until you need them or someone else needs them. Things can't be that tight financially......yet.
I've got ammo in calibers I don't even have guns for. The way things are going, it will likely be handed out for defensive purposes.
I went to cabellas and bought a bunch of federal 20 gauge buck and slugs by accident when I was supposed to get 12 gauge. Can somebody please take them off my hands. 20 slugs and 10 buckshot. Tbh I just want my money back but I can’t return ammunition.
Any 20 gauge sabot slugs?
I went to cabellas and bought a bunch of federal 20 gauge buck and slugs by accident when I was supposed to get 12 gauge. Can somebody please take them off my hands. 20 slugs and 10 buckshot. Tbh I just want my money back but I can’t return ammunition.

You bought a bunch? 30 shotshells? Really?

Suck it up. Learn your lesson. Pay attention!!!

Go green. Post a Karma and maybe earn some Karma.

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