Ya think the DC ruling was important? Brady does


NES Member
Dec 24, 2006
Georgetown, Ma
Feedback: 27 / 0 / 0
Dear bob,

Last week, a Federal Appeals Court overturned Washington D.C.’s long-standing restrictions on handguns — a decision that endangers all of America’s gun laws.

This case is most likely headed to the U.S. Supreme Court and we have a tidal wave of work to do before it gets there.

This battle — to its very core — is the most important battle we have ever waged. We need your help today to build a strong Brady Gun Law Defense Fund to save America’s gun laws.

This fight is so critical to the safety and sanity of our nation that an anonymous donor has extended his challenge and will match dollar for dollar all gifts to this Brady Gun Law Defense Fund. Your gift will be fully tax deductible.

The threat to all our gun laws is truly unprecedented. The hypocrisy of the ruling is astounding.

What is at stake for you and your community? An emboldened gun lobby will use the ruling to challenge strong local, state and federal gun laws.

We must prepare for an onslaught of lawsuits in which gun laws will be challenged under this new reading of the Second Amendment — a strategy the gun lobby rarely used because of past legal decisions … until now. And, if the U.S. Supreme Court reverses itself and adopts the “individual right to bear arms” view approved by the Federal Appeals Court, all good gun laws everywhere could be at risk …

... from the long-standing machine gun ban … to the 1968 Gun Control Act … to the Brady Background Check Law.

… to your local and state laws … like the ones in California and New Jersey banning Assault Weapons … and many more.

These and many other life-saving laws promoting public safety are at risk. And we need to be ready for an immediate onslaught of challenges and fight them tooth and nail. We need your help today with a tax-deductible gift!

Why is this ruling so radical? Because the decision defies almost 70 years of legal precedent. All courts before this — save one — have ruled that the Second Amendment is not an individual right to bear arms, and this is the first Federal Appeals Court ever to declare a gun law unconstitutional based on the Second Amendment.

In her dissent, Judge Karen LeCraft Henderson wrote that Second Amendment rights relate to “Those militia whose continued vitality is required to safeguard the individual state.” Unlike Judge Henderson, the two judge majority ruled against decades of legal precedent…

… And completely disregarded the democratically-expressed will of the people of the District of Columbia, depriving D.C. citizens of a strict handgun law enacted thirty years ago.

Talk about judicial activism! We can’t help but note the unbelievable hypocrisy here too. Conservatives cry and gnash their teeth about activism from the bench. This decision is judicial activism at its worst.

Judge Silberman, who wrote the majority opinion, is well-known for his close ties to the right-wing. Now — with quintessential judicial activism from the bench — the gun lobby threatens to achieve through the courts what it has been unable to do in Congress.

This is going to be a long, hard fight, but with your help we will save our nation’s gun laws. We will keep you up-to-date as we confront this extraordinary threat to our efforts to reduce gun violence. But right now, we need your support to build our Brady Gun Law Defense Fund. Remember that right now your gift to this fund will be doubled! Please act now.

Your Friends at StoptheNRA.com

P.S. Your gift will be worth double when you give to our Brady Gun Law Defense Fund. Please give a tax-deductible gift today.
I got one too and just posted it, then I saw this one. It took them a bit longer than I thought to knee jerk, but at least they didn't let me down.

Drama queens as usual [rolleyes]

The case hasn't even been heard by the full court yet, let alone reached the SCOTUS (
and there's the remote possibility that might not even happen
), and they're already predicting all gun control laws being tossed aside.

Quite honestly (and realistically)... if the case does reach the SCOTUS, and they do rule that the 2nd is an individual right, most of the current gun control laws will not be affected. Any ruling will maintain a net of "reasonable" laws with regard to public safety. Even the two lower courts that ruled in favor of the individual right have expressed that.

IMHO, any decision that does come down is not going to be a clear victory for either side.
Trying my hand at fisking...

Dear bob,
Bob apparently likes to keep tabs on the enemy. Smart move.

This fight is so critical to the safety and sanity of our nation that an anonymous donor has extended his challenge and will match dollar for dollar all gifts to this Brady Gun Law Defense Fund.
Anonymous := George Soros.

The threat to all our gun laws is truly unprecedented. The hypocrisy of the ruling is astounding.
WE'RE the only ones who can play the hypocrisy card!!

In her dissent, Judge Karen LeCraft Henderson wrote that Second Amendment rights relate to “Those militia whose continued vitality is required to safeguard the individual state.”
WTF is "the indvidual state"?????????? Do these people even UNDERSTAND English?

… And completely disregarded the democratically-expressed will of the people of the District of Columbia, depriving D.C. citizens of a strict handgun law enacted thirty years ago.
Enacted by the DC city council or whoever it was; I strongly doubt there was ever a referendum taken on it!

Talk about judicial activism!
Ah, yes. The latest buzzword meaning "any legal decision we don't like".
Interesting Reading

My impression is that this is a well crafted piece of emotionally-charged rhetoric, designed to instill fear into the Brady supporters and rally them to donate to the cause. It is somewhat reminiscent of propaganda material from past military events.

My second impression is that those within the Brady movement who depend on those contributions for their livelihood (food on the table) see a potential threat to the continued existence of their organization/jobs. The question is, is gun control (read: gun banning) still their first priority?
Dear Sheeple,

The threat to all our gun laws is truly unprecedented. The hypocrisy of the ruling is astounding.

What is at stake for you and your community? An emboldened gun lobby will use the ruling to challenge strong local, state and federal gun laws.

We must prepare for an onslaught of lawsuits in which gun laws will be challenged under this new reading of the Second Amendment
This is the part that got me steaming - their incredibly brazen statement that this is somehow a 'new reading' of how the Second Amendment was meant. I was sputtering I was so mad! [angry]
— a strategy the gun lobby rarely used because of past legal decisions … until now. And, if the U.S. Supreme Court reverses itself and adopts the “individual right to bear arms” view approved by the Federal Appeals Court, all good gun laws everywhere could be at risk …
If the sheeple don't read this tripe properly they're going to think that the Second Amendment is somehow lessened by this decision and these wonderful Brady bunch idiots are trying to enforce it.

Why is this ruling so radical? Because the decision defies almost 70 years of legal precedent. All courts before this — save one — have ruled that the Second Amendment is not an individual right to bear arms, and this is the first Federal Appeals Court ever to declare a gun law unconstitutional based on the Second Amendment.
Bullshit! Pure, unmitigated bullshit!

In her dissent, Judge Karen LeCraft Henderson wrote that Second Amendment rights relate to “Those militia whose continued vitality is required to safeguard the individual state.” Unlike Judge Henderson, the two judge majority ruled against decades of legal precedent…

… And completely disregarded the democratically-expressed will of the people of the District of Columbia, depriving D.C. citizens of a strict handgun law enacted thirty years ago.
Democratically-expressed by whom? [shocked]

Talk about judicial activism! We can’t help but note the unbelievable hypocrisy here too. Conservatives cry and gnash their teeth about activism from the bench. This decision is judicial activism at its worst.
Because it doesn't further their rights-grabbing agenda.

I can't stand hypocrisy. And I can't stand the fact that idiots who don't care are going to read this and think it's a 'Good Thing'. I immediately responded to that e-mail, I doubt it will do any good, but I had to do something [thinking]
depriving D.C. citizens of a strict handgun law enacted thirty years ago.

As opposed to depriving them of their 2nd Ammendment rights? [rolleyes]

The only handgun law should be this: if you use your lawfully and rightfully owned firearm irresponsibly or to do crime, you will be PUNISHED. It amazes me they still don't see that black market guns sold to criminals are the source of the problem. You can liken it to the illegal immigrant debate, they can't stop them from coming in so they'll throw a lot of laws/legislation at it, instead of addressing the REAL problem, criminals!

As opposed to depriving them of their 2nd Ammendment rights? [rolleyes]

The only handgun law should be this: if you use your lawfully and rightfully owned firearm irresponsibly or to do crime, you will be PUNISHED. It amazes me they still don't see that black market guns sold to criminals are the source of the problem. You can liken it to the illegal immigrant debate, they can't stop them from coming in so they'll throw a lot of laws/legislation at it, instead of addressing the REAL problem, criminals!


This was passed in 1976 or so and was voted on. The ban people won and it was made law. BUT IF THIS WAS A FUNCTIONING CONTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC - THE LAW WOULD HAVE BEEN STRUCK DOWN AS NOT PASSING CONTITUTIONAL MUSTER!

It irritates the c$%p out of me when the Brady Bunch uses that " 70 years of judicial interpretation " clause in its statements. Miller has been so distorted by them that they think it says that the 2nd is a collective right. Sorry, Miller was not taken to its fullest extension because Miller didn't show up to finish his case. Damn, even the NRA testified for the NFA of 1934 stating that it was okay to regulate these weapons because hunters and sportsmen didn't use these things ( they were a different group then...) From my understanding there is not a whole lot of court stuff on the 2nd to be taken seriously in the first place. To have the Brady Bunch scared is worth the price of admission on this one because they know their position on gun control is wrong and about to be possibly proven it is wrong.

Joe R.
I got the e-mail too, must have been from that survey a lot of us took that was posted here. I forwarded it to the SPAM abuse center.
Stupidity said:
Why is this ruling so radical? Because the decision defies almost 70 years of legal precedent. All courts before this — save one — have ruled that the Second Amendment is not an individual right to bear arms, and this is the first Federal Appeals Court ever to declare a gun law unconstitutional based on the Second Amendment.

Remember the slaves? Civil rights?
Just a plea for money similar to what all "non-profits" send out. It is good to see them give the impression that they are scared.
If I were "king" the anti gun orgs would all be labeled as terrorist organizations
and their staff would be tried for treason- because thats what they
are... a bunch of traitors, who all indirectly have blood on their
hands from their deceptions. [angry]

If I were "king" the anti gun orgs would all be labeled as terrorist organizations
and their staff would be tried for treason- because thats what they
are... a bunch of traitors, who all indirectly have blood on their
hands from their deceptions. [angry]

You've got my vote.......your majesty
sounds to me like the brady bunch took one on the chin. Now that they are stumbling back, the NRA (and the rest of the pro gunners) need to keep swinging, get them on the ropes and don't stop until they are totally knocked out.
If I were "king" the anti gun orgs would all be labeled as terrorist organizations
and their staff would be tried for treason- because thats what they
are... a bunch of traitors, who all indirectly have blood on their
hands from their deceptions. [angry]


They are the worst form of terrorist.

No need to be "king" to make such a declaration.....its the damned truth....speak it every chance you get. I do, and believe it or not, lots of people see the logic of it once its explained to them. Many have gone out and obtained their LTCs and bought a couple of guns shortly after being enlightened.
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