You can strap a bomb to a child but...

Who gives them the Quran/Koran/whatever? Americans.
Who allows them to practice their religiion? Americans.
Who stops everything to allow them their prayers 5 (or it is 6?) times a day? Americans.
Who cooks them special food? Americans.

<turn on sarcastic tone> Yup - we certainly are a bunch of bastards, and I for one am truely sorry someone held the book in their left hand instead of their right.

They can all kiss my backside below the waist.
Don't even get me started.... but maybe if we quit being so friggin nice,and acted like the way they treat our POW's..... [evil]
MrsWildweasel said:
Don't even get me started.... but maybe if we quit being so friggin nice,and acted like the way they treat our POW's..... [evil]

We can't - our boys have something called values and a sense of right and wrong. However, if we have another attack in this country, I would assume all bets would be least I would hope so.
Oh trust me I know,We actually follow the Geneva Convention,No one else will. It just iritates me that we do this and we are still the evil doers. [evil]
MrsWildweasel said:
Oh trust me I know,We actually follow the Geneva Convention,No one else will. It just iritates me that we do this and we are still the evil doers. [evil]

I know - me too. It P's me off to no end.
You know, if I could find a way to print the koran on a roll of toilet paper I could make a fortune. I think there's a lot of people like me who wouldn't mind paying a premium for toilet paper so they could wipe their ass with the koran on a regular basis.
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