Your first one...

Mar 9, 2005
Haverhill, MA
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Most folks I know love to take out photos of their kids (like Derek, but his son is adorable, so that's okay :D ), but since I don't have any kids (other than 4 legged and furry ones), I thought I'd start a topic for what one was your first gun.

My first rifle was a Remington .22 plinker - got it about 14 years ago. My first hand gun was a Rossi 5 shot revolver - 2 in. barrell. I still love that little thing and carry it on occasion
My father bought me a crack open, single shot, 20 guage Harrington & Richardson shotgun. I shot my first duck, phesant, and deer with that shot gun. :D
My first gun was a Win 190 .22 rifle purchased in the Fall of 1976. Since I was learning to target shoot, it was not an appropriate gun and I sold it a while later. Replaced it with a Mossberg LS144 which I still have

My first handgun was a HS Supermatic Tournament .22 target gun also purchased in the Fall of 1976. Still have it and will shortly have my Wife try it out.
It's at my parents house in Minnesota. I'll probably end up giving it to Orion when he is old enough, although my grandfather gave me his first .410 shotgun, that may be a little more easy to handle for the little man.

That 20 guage didnt have a recoil spring and it takes 3" magnums, it was tough on the shoulder for a 13 yearold.
I think the first gun I used was my dad's old single-shot Stevens .22 rifle. The first one I owned was a Colt Single Action Army in .44-40. Those old first-generation models used to be cheap and plentiful in some parts of California, where I grew up; I think I paid $25 of the money from my paper route for it. My first real weapon was an M14, which I sure as hell missed when they decided to replace it with an M16 just as we were about to ship out. I managed to ditch Matty Mattel for the next tour in favor of a 1911 and either an Ithaca 37 or an M79, depending on what sort of no good we were up to.

I was raised by a family that had three hard and fast rules for the kids:
1) No guns
2) No motorcycles
3) No tattoos

Therefore I had no experience with any kind of firearm except for a few chances to go to ranges over the years. I only recently purchased my first handgun (now that I'm out of the parent's house...for the last 15 years...hehehe): S&W 686 revolver with a 4" barrel. I've been riding for a few years too :)
My first gun was a Daisy BB gun back in the mid 50's. A few years later my father gave a H&R .22 with a tubular magazine and peep sight and an Ithaca Model 37 pump in 20 gauge. My first handgun was many years late, a Sig P229 9mm.
First was a crossman air rifle when I was 9. We lived in a pretty congested area so there wasn't anything else I could shoot near home without problems. 10 years later a Marlin 1894 22 mag. Still have both & I've added a few more to the collection. :) I think I still have the first target I shot with the crossman on Chrstmas morning somewhere.

My first was dad's Sears and Roebuck's single shot, bolt .22 I think he taught me how to shoot it when I was 7 or so. I have it. My brother has the Arisaka 99 that he brought home from Okinawa. My avatar is my dad with that rifle just after he got it.
First handgun was a S&W Mod38 Airweight Bodyguard Special with the shrowded hammer. Mom bought that for my when I got my LTC when I turned 21. Still have it.
First owned was a Belgian made 7.65mm semi that I won in a poker game in my misspent youth. First store-bought shooter was a Winchester 12 ga pumpgun. First rifle, like many others enamored with the idea (and price!) of a third world battle rifle was my SKS.


My first rifle was a Remington 660 in .350 Rem. Mag cal. My first pistol was a Beretta 8040F Cougar in .40 cal. The rifle grew up and left to start alife with someone else, but the Cougar is still being nurtured daily with love. I hold it close to me, often, right on my hip, and it's grown up to have a very nasty disposition, but it has never let me down. [lol]

‘‘The right of self-defense is the first law of nature; in most governments it has been the study of rulers to confine this right within the narrowest possible limits. ... and [when] the right of the people to keep and bear arms is, under any color or pretext whatsoever, prohibited, liberty, if not already annihilated, is on the brink of destruction.’’
 — St. George Tucker, Judge of the Virginia Supreme Court 1803
Re: Newborns

Buffalo Bill said:
My first rifle was a Remington 660 in .350 Rem. Mag cal. My first pistol was a Beretta 8040F Cougar in .40 cal. The rifle grew up and left to start alife with someone else, but the Cougar is still being nurtured daily with love. I hold it close to me, often, right on my hip, and it's grown up to have a very nasty disposition, but it has never let me down. [lol]

‘‘The right of self-defense is the first law of nature; in most governments it has been the study of rulers to confine this right within the narrowest possible limits. ... and [when] the right of the people to keep and bear arms is, under any color or pretext whatsoever, prohibited, liberty, if not already annihilated, is on the brink of destruction.’’
 — St. George Tucker, Judge of the Virginia Supreme Court 1803
My first was a Marlin bolt action .22 when I was 8 or 9. Then moved up to a .22LR in an ill attempt to go hunting with my Dad. At the age of 13, he gave me a Remington model 742 30-06. At 18 Uncle Sugar gave me all sorts of goodies to play with but then again I had to do alot of landscaping in Louisiana for him.
First rifle was an old Mossberg .22, It was a Model 146b and wish I still had it. My brother bought it for me at the old Derry Trading Post back in the early 60's. :)
I'm with the folks who list an air rifle as their first gun.

I bought a Daisy lever-action (don't remember which model, but it wasn't a Red Ryder) when I was 12, and I put THOUSANDS of BBs through it. It ended up falling apart from use, which is a fine way for a BB gun
to end its service.

Whatever skill or reflexes I have today were built on that gun.

Having minimal supervision, I also did some really, really stupid things with it, and I thank God I didn't make those mistakes on a .22.

My best memory: sitting on the back porch, plinking ants as they crossed the flagstones..
The very first I owned myself was an old CO2 pistol. I had a great time shooting at an old 55 Gal. lid nailed to a tree (before one came back at me and lodged itself into my shoulder) that thing was powerful enough to put the BB's all the way through the lid. I was too terrified to tell my parents or grandparents (the gun resided at my grand parents house in ME because I was a military brat) so that BB still resides deeply planted in my right shoulder. I shot many BB's through that before my grandmother (an avid bird lover) came up behind me with a broom to teach me "old school style" that finches were not my personal plinking toys. Before and after that I had gone hunting and shooting with my grandfather many times. I remember as a kid being handed his old M1 Carbine (just my size) and going hunting with him and my uncle. Those were the days! It wasn't until just recently (the past couple years) that my interest was piqued again with firearms. My grandfather is getting up there in the years and decided that he would start handing down his collection to his family. He graced me with a Marlin .22LR and an old .50 Hawken BP rifle. That set things in motion. My father (not wanting to deal with MA) had left his guns in the care of my uncle in ME. I expressed interest to my father and he made a call and I now also have his guns in my possession. Of which consist of his fathers 303 British (his WWII service rifle) a fairly rare 7.62X54 Russian made by Remington Armory in 1917, a J.C Higgins 16GA bolt action shot gun, and an old H&R (Harrington and Richardson) nickle plated 9 shot .22 revolver. All stored safely in a fire resistant gun safe that I willingly purchased to be responsible.

Now.... If my renewal/upgrade would come for LTC-A ( I turned my application in the beginning of JAN) the "To Buy" list is ever growing. I went last week and talked to the person in charge of licensing for my town, and he told me that I will get my license, he won't hold me back, it's just a matter of the state getting finished now.... I hope he's right

OK I've rambled enough

PS. I just found out that my grandfather's M1 Carbine that I so fondly remember using as a kid, is coming my way in a couple of months!! YEAH!!!
Adam_MA said:
PS. I just found out that my grandfather's M1 Carbine that I so fondly remember using as a kid, is coming my way in a couple of months!! YEAH!!!

I'm jealous. [mrgreen] My uncle has a Japanses rifle (I don't know what kind it is) that will be mine when he passes. He brought it back with him from WWII. Since he's my favorite uncle, I can wait for it. :D
First gun... Ah, memories.

When I was 21 and could get my first purchase permit (this was in NJ), I was looking at a Ruger Security Six. My friend did not like the Rugers (shows what he knows... I now have 3 and love them), and took me to J&J Guns in Bayonne, NJ. They had a cop's S&W Model 19 in the case... it had holster wear and beat up factory wood grips that I've never figured out how ANYONE ever thinks fits a human hand...

It also had a smooooth action and a light SA trigger pull. Seems that the cop who owned it brought it in to get the action worked on and while it was there, he decided to retire... and told them to put it in the case with a $150 tag on it. Add in $10 bucks for Siles grips, and that 4" .357 was mine.

I kept it for many years, learned how to handload to feed it... and even named it. Since the muzzle flash from my somewhat warm handloads was about a foot or more long, I named it "Flametongue".

Unfortunately, in a fit of stupity, I decided I was tired of cleaning out all the chambers and I was only going to shoot autoloaders... and sold it to the guy who was with me when I bought it. (He'd always told me that if I ever wanted to sell it, please tell him first.)

'Course, now that I want it back... I can't get him to sell it back to me. But I'm still working on him. Soon... maybe. At least it's still in a good home!

dwarven1 said:
First gun... Ah, memories.

When I was 21 and could get my first purchase permit (this was in NJ), I was looking at a Ruger Security Six.


That was my hubby's first carry gun too. I love shooting it. :D
Strangely enough, I never did get a Ruger revolver. I did, however, get a couple of Mark 1's (I replace my first one - fixed sights - with a target model a few years back), a 10-22 (second gun I ever purchased, which I still have) and a P90 .45.

The P90 is probably the UGLIEST gun I've ever seen, and it is the gun that I will never sell or trade. It is utterly reliable, very accurate, and fits my hand perfectly - it fits me like Excalibur fitted Arthur Pendragon. (although I didn't pull it out of a stone... :-)

It wasn't very expensive, and it's not terribly concealable, since it's a full size, but if I ever have to work security again, this is the gun that would be my duty gun. It's the gun that I keep in my nightstand, it's the gun that I would trust to save my life without having to think about it. I just wish I could figure out a way to conceal a full-size .45 on a guy who stands 5'6".

Crossman air rifle 2100 bb/pellet. My first powder was S&W 9ve. But I have moved on to a Beretta 9000s and, ... well don't laugh but I also have a Davis p-380. Yes it is labeled a "junk gun" but let me tell ya, IU have not had that gun jam 1 single time. But on the other side I can also tell you that I wouldn't dare carry it with a loaded chamber. The thing would probably fire if I dropped it on a mattress.
I don't remember all that I used as a child. My father really corrupted me. But then, that's what happens when you grow up in a Gun Shop.

The first one I used was a Crossman .22 Pellet rifle.

First one I bought was a 788 Rem in 22-250, bought on the day BEFORE GCA 68 went into effect.
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