Suppressors shipped to your door!!

VT used to be the 'liberals who love guns' state, but they went FR few years ago banning 10+ round capacity mags, and suppressors probably went with the sweep.

They were liberals that TOLERATED guns because "guns 'r' bad" only in populated places. A few loons with Ass Salt weapons and they lost their freaking minds.

Let no one fool you - VT was mega-liberal and just didn't ADDRESS the gun issue for decades. They're CT without telling you how close they live to NYC.
They were liberals that TOLERATED guns because "guns 'r' bad" only in populated places. A few loons with Ass Salt weapons and they lost their freaking minds.

Let no one fool you - VT was mega-liberal and just didn't ADDRESS the gun issue for decades. They're CT without telling you how close they live to NYC.
The VT folks are super democrat, but actually like and use guns. The problem (from a gun perspective) is the NY people who "retire" there and want to make it more like NY.

I'm not sure the data bears that out. 33K people in 12 years??? For a population of 650K. 5%. No. Just like NH, any anti-gun leanings is coming from within the state, not outside. It's better to blame the interlopers. But 5% didn't move firmly-gun-friendly VT into a gun-hating liberal paradise.

(What did is cable news. And Trump. And Obama. The rhetoric escalated and normally gun-neutral people felt they HAD to support ALL of the liberal-tears causes. Remember that VT was the first or second state to go Con-Carry. That was pre-Bama. But it's hard to delink all of a "party's" platforms. Especially on teh Left.)
You shouldn’t need a NICS check on a suppressor anyway. You already got an FBI background check.
there's no at-the-counter NICS check for a suppressor purchase, it's a checkbox on the 4473:

I'm just hoping for the day when New Hampshire folk can check #29 off.
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The FBI background check is performed by ATF but I understand it is just a NICS check. Why they won't allow dealers to do it (putting aside why it should even be necessary in the first place to have a background check on a tube) is a mystery to me. One local dealer works with Silencer Shop and does Form 4 submissions over the phone through the SS portal and the ATF eForms portal. But you have to go to the dealer to pick up a suppressor and complete a 4473 even though that isn't submitted to anyone and instead is just for the dealer's records apparently.

Wow. No transfer fees or ATF involved??? Right to my door, no dealer involved?? Am I in the future?


Capitol Armory also ships cans right to your door. They’re pretty easy to deal with but the process adds time compared to just buying from your local FFL. Even after the stamp is approved, they mail a copy of your eform to your CLEO and wait for confirmation it was received, which then adds another two weeks to the wait, then they mail them signature required to your door and you or an adult needs to be home to receive. In a world where I am getting approvals anywhere from a day to a couple weeks after e-filing, this makes no sense.
Reddit shits all over Q because Kevin is a fag.
Otter Creek Labs is the current good guy and Combat Application Technologies is up there too.
The Q stuff is fairly cutting edge and wacky but yeah the guy heading the company just oozes uuge douche.
I'm not seeing much of a net gain "shipped to your door" unless you live a long distance from a NFA FFL . My most recent Form 1 purchase took 3 days to complete from efile submission to walking out the door can in hand. 2 round trip visits to Manchvegas , was about 3 hrs of driving total. No big deal.
I'm not seeing much of a net gain "shipped to your door" unless you live a long distance from a NFA FFL . My most recent Form 1 purchase took 3 days to complete from efile submission to walking out the door can in hand. 2 round trip visits to Manchvegas , was about 3 hrs of driving total. No big deal.

I am a one and done with CA for reasons I would rather not discuss. It took five weeks from placing the order to receiving the suppressor. Form 4 approval took 42 hours so much of that time is their process. On the plus side, they accepted my eft file.

Silencer shop was better. It took just under 3 weeks when the suppressor had to come from another dealer, 2 days when is stock. I had to redo prints on their kiosk but there was no charge for that. Yes, I did need to go to the dealer. He's also my gunsmith. I like going there. He's 8 miles away and teaching me how to use a lathe and Bridgeport mill. Another local dealer (not affiliated with any national chain) also took just 2 days. All were individual. I have no need for a trust.

Edit: I'm collecting TBACs....

I am a one and done with CA for reasons I would rather not discuss. It took five weeks from placing the order to receiving the suppressor. Form 4 approval took 42 hours so much of that time is their process. On the plus side, they accepted my eft file.

Silencer shop was better. It took just under 3 weeks when the suppressor had to come from another dealer, 2 days when is stock. I had to redo prints on their kiosk but there was no charge for that. Yes, I did need to go to the dealer. He's also my gunsmith. I like going there. He's 8 miles away and teaching me how to use a lathe and Bridgeport mill. Another local dealer (not affiliated with any national chain) also took just 2 days. All were individual. I have no need for a trust.

Edit: I'm collecting TBACs....
My SS one shot trust took 6 months. My SS individual came back in 3 days lol. The kiosk is a pretty convenient service - first suppressor was a 2 hour round trip to Dover. Second one was a 3 hour round trip to Erroll.

I might try PSA/Capitol Armory ship to door when they go live.
Of all the places I could call home in the USA, how tf did I land in Massachusetts...

Interestingly enough, while they cannot be shipped to MA and no MA resident may own one (as a private party), they ARE legal to use for hunting in MA. Because the average person cannot own or possess one, they never wrote any laws making hunting with them illegal...

Suppressors can be owned by any government entity with law enforcement powers (typically local PD or MSP but others also) or by 07 FFLs (manufacturers). Suppressors may be possessed by anyone issued it by the government (again, typically local LEO or MSP) or by 07 FFLs.

My business owns like a dozen (Ive lost count) and I have hunted with them. 100% lawful.

The new law grandfathering 8/1/24 items opened up AR pistols to a while bunch of new people. My idea of the perfect coyote gun is a 300BLK AR pistol since you can only use a 22 rifle at night but can use a 38 caliber pistol. 300BLK suppressed AR pistol with thermal...
there's no at-the-counter NICS check for a suppressor purchase, it's a checkbox on the 4473:

I'm just hoping for the day when New Hampshire folk can check #29 off.
I'm not.

That day will never come (and it shouldn't), because NH doesn't require a background check for a carry license, much less the constant re-checking that a NICS exemption requires.
I'm not seeing much of a net gain "shipped to your door" unless you live a long distance from a NFA FFL . My most recent Form 1 purchase took 3 days to complete from efile submission to walking out the door can in hand. 2 round trip visits to Manchvegas , was about 3 hrs of driving total. No big deal.
Exactly. Picking up from a dealer is the least painful part of purchasing an NFA item.
I'm not.
That day will never come (and it shouldn't), because NH doesn't require a background check for a carry license, much less the constant re-checking that a NICS exemption requires.
Is a BGC not implicit in the phrase "unless the applicant is prohibited by New Hampshire or federal statute from possessing a firearm"?
Some states skirt the concerns about changing their carry license process by offering an "enhanced" variant indicating a one-time NICS. The only state I know of doing "constant" (monthly) NICS is Kentucky.
Aren't Griffin suppressors ancient by today's tech? The cool kids are all running Q cans and B&T.

Reddit shits all over Q because Kevin is a fag.
Otter Creek Labs is the current good guy and Combat Application Technologies is up there too.
The Q stuff is fairly cutting edge and wacky but yeah the guy heading the company just oozes uuge douche.
Reddit is gay.

Not just Reddit, but Snipershide too.

Q doesn’t even know how to weld titanium. And their silencer designs are not anything special.

There was a fantastic infographic a few years ago that showed so many of Brittingham’s “innovations/inventions” were just ripoffs of old, less known things. But I can’t find it anymore.

Edit: This is Qs “advanced” silencer technology. Griffin is almost certainly more advanced now.
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Not just Reddit, but Snipershide too.

Q doesn’t even know how to weld titanium. And their silencer designs are not anything special.

There was a fantastic infographic a few years ago that showed so many of Birmingham’s “innovations/inventions” were just ripoffs of old, less known things. But I can’t find it anymore.
Isn't Q the *Apple* of the suppressor world? Nokia/Blackberry/Moto/Windows Mobile phones have had a ton of cutting edge features for years back in the mid to late 2000s but as soon as Steve Jobs applied the same ideas in the iPhone, it suddenly became revolutionary.
Isn't Q the *Apple* of the suppressor world? Nokia/Blackberry/Moto/Windows Mobile phones have had a ton of cutting edge features for years back in the mid to late 2000s but as soon as Steve Jobs applied the same ideas in the iPhone, it suddenly became revolutionary.

Eh, only in the sense that Apple took the original OS GUI design from Xerox.

Q talks a big talk and makes their guns proprietary. But I don’t think they’ve ever really been cutting edge. And a lot of their design features are taken from obscure prior designs.
Eh, only in the sense that Apple took the original OS GUI design from Xerox.

Q talks a big talk and makes their guns proprietary. But I don’t think they’ve ever really been cutting edge. And a lot of their design features are taken from obscure prior designs.
One guy recently tried to pick an argument with me on how his cherry bomb muzzle device was the best designed and revolutionary. What does it do better that any Rearden or a YHM SRX can't? Couldn't answer it but it was amazing cause it's Q lol. Pretty much the Apple effect.
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