Zimmerman charged. What do you think will happen if he's found Not Guilty?

Repeat of the Roddny King riots, maybe even larger scale. Gives bammy an excuse to declare Martial law and postpone elections!!!
He's not going to be found not guilty. They are going to get him for something...and who knows, maybe he is guilty of something. I'm guessing he will take a plea for manslaughter or negligent homicide (whatever they have down there). He will not walk away unscathed.

Supposing he did walk away not guilty, the Feds are going to try him on some kind of civil rights violation.
I predict a guilty verdict, followed by a prison shanking within months. His chances of survival ~ 20%

Second most likely is a mistrial, due to the impossibility of a fair trial, followed by "small" scale riots. His chances of survival ~ 80%

Not very likely, but still possible, is a Not Guilty, followed by "large" scale riots. His chances of survival ~ 75%

His best way out of this mess is to get someone to slip him a non-painful suicide pill. His chance of any normal life is zero, regardless of the outcome of the trial. Although you never know, the baby killer momma from his neck of the woods hasn't been heard from lately, has she?
Guilty - massive jubilation, riots
No-guilty - massive, pissed-off riots

He needs to ask asylum in Venezuela or some other anti-US country where he will be the poster boy for American "justice".
Riots and the severity based on the outcome of the trial. As much as I hate to say it I'm thinking if he is found not guilty there may be a revenge killing or two.
While I don't live in an area with a high population of african ancestry, when the trial is proceding, I will be prepare to address rioting if it occurs. Not doing so seems foolhearted.

Maybe I'll make sure I have a few extra sheets of plywood, a few extra shotgun shells and a few extra magazines loaded when the verdict is announced, but for the most part, my normal preparations should suffice.

I would NOT travel to Florida during the trial though.
If he is found non guilty, there will be riots. That is what the animals do when they feel they haven't gotten justice. Regardless of procedure, evidence, process, and findings, if Zimmerman is found not guilty, the animals will go berzerk.

If he is found guilty, he will be killed in prison.

If he is acquitted, see not guilty.

There is no winning scenario here when you have animals ready to riot.
If he is found non guilty, there will be riots. That is what the animals do when they feel they haven't gotten justice. Regardless of procedure, evidence, process, and findings, if Zimmerman is found not guilty, the animals will go berzerk.

If he is found guilty, he will be killed in prison.

If he is acquitted, see not guilty.

There is no winning scenario here when you have animals ready to riot.

By animals, do you mean black people?
. . . That is what the animals do when they feel they haven't gotten justice. . . .

By animals, do you mean black people?

Animals come in every color, race and creed.

My next door neighbor fits the bill, section 8 housing, food stamps, the whole social injustice thing going on and she's whiter than I am, and I am pretty much white. (eta: oh, and she is bat-crap crazy. Another neighbor tied to get a restraining order after she forced her way into good neighbor's apartment over a trash complaint in their common hall)

She'll be voting for Obama in a few months and rooting for her free healthcare. Oh wait, she already has that.
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Animals come in every color, race and creed.

I am aware of that fact. I am just so tired of hearing about them (non whites) and what if one of, or a group of, us (whites, and kind of whites) did something like this. It is not helping the situation, and is not much different the race baiting going on from the other side of the argument.
I am aware of that fact. I am just so tired of hearing about them (non whites) and what if one of, or a group of, us (whites, and kind of whites) did something like this. It is not helping the situation, and is not much different the race baiting going on from the other side of the argument.

I agree. I live in a town with a very mixed population. The degenerates include a sizeable percentage of caucasians.

Honestly, sometimes I feel a little like "them", bitching about the latest wave of gun control, excessive taxes or senseless regulations. On the other hand, I'm not going to break open store windows and boost television sets because the FRB refuses to provide paper FA-10 forms... I have no such warm fuzzy feeling about the Zimmerman situation!
It's quite sad to think that a bunch of idiots waking in the street is enough to throw a guy in jail that the police believe to be innocent.... I guess that shows you how much they really care about rights! Anyone wanna attend my imprison al sharpten rally?
It's a no win situation regardless. MCNBC made sure that the public already believes Zimmerman targeted Martin based on race with their malicious editing of the 911 recording. Zimmerman is still supposed to be innocent until proven guilty. It's a complete failure of justice that he's going into court guilty until proven innocent, and even if proven innocent, many of the jurors may be peer pressured into voting guilty.

If he's found not guilty, or the case is dismissed, there will riots similar to those after the Rodney King trial, though on a more massive scale due to the ease of communication and organization the internet has brought. Zimmerman and his family have to flee or they are murdered.

If he's found guilty, he'll appeal. If the prosecution's evidence isn't completely solid, there's evidence that the SYG law applies, or there is any evidence that the jury was tainted, his conviction will be overturned at which point we'll be back to the outcome if he is found not guilty.
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Hmmm what should I get during the riots, new flat screen, those new blu-ray players, my favorite tv shows box sets....it's not looting, it's surviving... Hahaha
I don't think this will come to trial this year, in such a high profile case they will be lucky to seat a jury by this time next year.
Then again I could be completely wrong
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