10 round AR mags

Just ordered a half dozen. Felt wrong, like a broke some NES AR code.

Can I offset this like rich people do with their private jets and carbon credits?

Do I need to purchase a like amount of 30 rounders?
Are they for sighting in on a rest or something? 10 rounders are good for that.
Are they for sighting in on a rest or something? 10 rounders are good for that.
That but really for hunting purposes. It's rare that we have a nice comfortable place to shoot. Usually dealing with boulders, dead fall or laying down with the pack supporting the rifle. The 30 rounders are just to cumbersome for that.
I still take my MA kosher 20 round PMAGs pinned to 10 for range use. Looks better and more reliable feeding than the little dinky ASP 10 rounder mags.
That but really for hunting purposes. It's rare that we have a nice comfortable place to shoot. Usually dealing with boulders, dead fall or laying down with the pack supporting the rifle. The 30 rounders are just to cumbersome for that.
Oh, definitely a good idea. Way better for hunting. Even the 20s are significantly better for that kind of thing. But if you don’t need or can’t have 20 rounds in the gun due to a hunting law, might as well go 10.
I actually like the 20 rounders the best too.
Make that three. I have a bunch of 30's but prefer 20's which I have more of. I don't bother with either at the range and just use my 10's as that's the string I fire anyway and they're the same length as the 20's.
Just buy 30 round "PMAG repair kits". They come fully disassembled and 50 state legal. If you're in MA, also buy the mag blocks so you can only load up 10 in em and make sure to super glue it in place so it's legal and legit.
Gives me one high spot, the grip, so it can pivot down if needed if I'm in a weird spot. Maybe it's gay but when I'm crawling into position to get a shot it sure is handy. Never thought I'd use them. If I need more than ten shots on a coyote then I need to just quit and take up another pass time.
Just buy 30 round "PMAG repair kits". They come fully disassembled and 50 state legal. If you're in MA, also buy the mag blocks so you can only load up 10 in em and make sure to super glue it in place so it's legal and legit.
That’s no longer legal in MA (having the full kit unblocked or keeping the old follower).

“Large capacity feeding device”, (i) a fixed or detachable magazine, belt, drum, feed strip or similar device that has a capacity of, or that can be readily converted to accept, more than 10 rounds of ammunition or more than 5 shotgun shells; or (ii) any part or combination of parts from which a device can be assembled if those parts are in the possession or control of the same person
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Gives me one high spot, the grip, so it can pivot down if needed if I'm in a weird spot. Maybe it's gay but when I'm crawling into position to get a shot it sure is handy. Never thought I'd use them. If I need more than ten shots on a coyote then I need to just quit and take up another pass time.
Well. With a 50-100x scope. I hope you do not miss

Damn. Gonna need a Sherpa to lug that around.
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