10 round capacity and "approved" roster?

Just finished skimming it; thanks for letting me know about this stuff --- I had no idea. Are there any other resources on this forum or online that I should read/familiarize myself with before I purchase a firearm in the near future? Politics aside, I honestly feel like a lot of the laws are unclear on purpose and they're trying to dig as many legal landmines as possible for you to watch out for.

May I ask how you exactly conceal carry a gun that big? Do you need one of those special gun belts to comfortably carry a handgun that big, or is it something you just learn to deal with? I could see conceal carrying a full size easy in the winter, but later in the summer when it's 90 degrees w/ humidity or when you're working up a sweat I can also see it being no fun very quickly. This is one of the reasons why I'm interested in a subcompact that's a little on the bigger end like a Glock 43X or even a compact; something that is still concealable, but not sacrificing so much for the concealability department that it's difficult to shoot.

Do you need one of those special gun belts to comfortably carry a handgun that big, or is it something you just learn to deal with?

Get a good gunbelt. Like Len2A, I have a web belt, in my case a 5.11 tactical that works well for everyday and competition - and I also have two leather gun belts, (one brown, one black), for dress occasions. A good belt will keep your handgun secured, in a constant location on your body while holding your pants up.
Skip the regular P365 and try to test out the P365XL if you can. Can get a full grip and has a longer sight radius than the regular P365, but at the same time is still smaller than a G19 if you are worried about concealed carry. And if hell freezes over and MA were to lift the 10rd post 94 mag restriction, you'd get 12 rounds flush.

I have the regular P365 and recently put an XL grip on it, and it's soooo much nicer to hold and shoot now without really adding all that much to the size to conceal.
Skip the regular P365 and try to test out the P365XL if you can. Can get a full grip and has a longer sight radius than the regular P365, but at the same time is still smaller than a G19 if you are worried about concealed carry. And if hell freezes over and MA were to lift the 10rd post 94 mag restriction, you'd get 12 rounds flush.

I have the regular P365 and recently put an XL grip on it, and it's soooo much nicer to hold and shoot now without really adding all that much to the size to conceal.

As an alternative to the XL grip, you can add one of these extended base pads to a regular 10 round mag (found on a regular P365), which gives a very similar surface area and feel to the grip as the XL grip with the 12 round mags...and it keeps you legal at 10 rounds:


I use these extended base pads and really like them. They can be found here: Full Grip Base Pad for SIG P365 v2 by TacticalDev on Shapeways

As an alternative to the XL grip, you can add one of these extended base pads to a regular 10 round mag (found on a regular P365), which gives a very similar surface area and feel to the grip as the XL grip with the 12 round mags...and it keeps you legal at 10 rounds:


I use these extended base pads and really like them. They can be found here: Full Grip Base Pad for SIG P365 v2 by TacticalDev on Shapeways

Ya, I definitely prefer that little extra I get from the 12 round mags. It's just longer enough to catch my little finger.
As an alternative to the XL grip, you can add one of these extended base pads to a regular 10 round mag (found on a regular P365), which gives a very similar surface area and feel to the grip as the XL grip with the 12 round mags...and it keeps you legal at 10 rounds:


I use these extended base pads and really like them. They can be found here: Full Grip Base Pad for SIG P365 v2 by TacticalDev on Shapeways


I kept my standard P365 mags and used spacer extenders to make them work in the P365XL. There are 10rd XL mags out there, but with everything Sig, they are expensive. I also went this route just in case I wanted to go back to the regular grip module (unlikely), and on the even more unlikely chance that MA gets its own freedom week where I could then buy flush 12rd mags.
So the roster only applies to dealers and not the guy buying it?

Also, Im not 100% set on the vp9sk. Im open to anything that will work for me. Im not sure on carrying a full size because if I dont want my gun to print and not the biggest dude (5'7 and 155 lbs).

So far the only handguns Ive shot were a G43, an m&p9 shield, a full size beretta 92fs, a ruger sr1911, a steyr m9, and a full size vp9.

I wanna try out subcompacts that are on the bigger end that can hit that 10 round capacity and absorb the recoil more than say a G43. Next time Im at the range Ill be looking into pieces like a G43x, or 45 or 48.

recoil isn’t as big of a deal a people make it out to be. Especially in a 9. Very manageable in any platform. I know at first it feels like a freight train but after a few thousand rounds and shooting higher recoiling calibers, you won’t notice it anymore.
recoil isn’t as big of a deal a people make it out to be. Especially in a 9. Very manageable in any platform. I know at first it feels like a freight train but after a few thousand rounds and shooting higher recoiling calibers, you won’t notice it anymore.

While it's true that 9mm isn't all that hard hitting once you get used to it, I can still tell the difference between carrying something like a Shield vs a G19. The heavier gun will tend to shoot flatter, and lighter micro compacts with less grip feel snappier. One will learn to work with these form factors, but I think I'll always be able to tell the difference. So in my opinion, there's some truth in telling him that the G48 will have slightly less perceived recoil than a G43.
While it's true that 9mm isn't all that hard hitting once you get used to it, I can still tell the difference between carrying something like a Shield vs a G19. The heavier gun will tend to shoot flatter, and lighter micro compacts with less grip feel snappier. One will learn to work with these form factors, but I think I'll always be able to tell the difference. So in my opinion, there's some truth in telling him that the G48 will have slightly less perceived recoil than a G43.

Yeah I guess everyone is different. In my opinion. Recoil is just something you train yourself to ignore. I usually am shooting 40 or 357 sig out of a Glock 27/33. when I pickup my normal carry guns 938 / 365 or LCP in 380 I hardly notice them kick.
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Thanks for all the advice everyone. I think I now have a clear idea and list of handguns to try out at the range while I'm still waiting for my LTC. It's a shame that all the ranges and stores near the Lowell area don't seem to have a lot of what I'm looking for. (All the ranges I've looked up only have Glock 17, 19, 26, and 43's) I really want to try out a 43x and 48 or another subcompact that's on the bigger end of what you'd call a "subcompact".
26 is a really great option. Get a good holster and the carry and conceal no problem. I have the same frame as you do and it’s not an issue.
Thanks for all the advice everyone. I think I now have a clear idea and list of handguns to try out at the range while I'm still waiting for my LTC. It's a shame that all the ranges and stores near the Lowell area don't seem to have a lot of what I'm looking for. (All the ranges I've looked up only have Glock 17, 19, 26, and 43's) I really want to try out a 43x and 48 or another subcompact that's on the bigger end of what you'd call a "subcompact".
Try Granite State in NH

BTW, I noticed that the MA ranges I checked with would not let a person shoot unless they had an LTC or were a guest of someone with an LTC. Not the case in NH.

ETA: and if you do go to Granite State, try out the SCAR just for fun, it's surprising how fast you can run through a couple hundred rounds.
Try Granite State in NH

BTW, I noticed that the MA ranges I checked with would not let a person shoot unless they had an LTC or were a guest of someone with an LTC. Not the case in NH.

ETA: and if you do go to Granite State, try out the SCAR just for fun, it's surprising how fast you can run through a couple hundred rounds.

Granite State was the exact range I was gonna be going to and I've got plans on trying out all their rental 9mm subcompacts. After I find a handgun (or two) I like I want to start looking into .223's and .308's for fun but I'm trying really hard to not spend a car's worth of money first year into the hobby lol.
Granite State was the exact range I was gonna be going to and I've got plans on trying out all their rental 9mm subcompacts. After I find a handgun (or two) I like I want to start looking into .223's and .308's for fun but I'm trying really hard to not spend a car's worth of money first year into the hobby lol.
Shooting the SCAR is just for fun, I'm not going to buy one so there is no temptation.... it's an MG
Granite state indoor range makes you bring a friend and/or your own gun if you want to rent from them.
Granite state indoor range makes you bring a friend and/or your own gun if you want to rent from them.
Not entirely correct.
If you are alone and don't have your own gun they want you to provide a person they will call to assure you're OK. Since it can be anyone and you provide the phone number, which they don't record, it's not that big a deal. Other ranges in NH that don't do this have had some suicides.
Not entirely correct.
If you are alone and don't have your own gun they want you to provide a person they will call to assure you're OK. Since it can be anyone and you provide the phone number, which they don't record, it's not that big a deal. Other ranges in NH that don't do this have had some suicides.

Good to hear, that’s not what their website says. I fully support having an official policy and an off the record policy. I’ve shot there a few times and it’s a solid range.

Good to hear, that’s not what their website says. I fully support having an official policy and an off the record policy. I’ve shot there a few times and it’s a solid range.

I suppose it could have changed, i doubt it but probably worth a call.
I own a vp9sk, it’s the same process as getting a new Glock. Just need to find a. FFL to frame it in for you. I love my sk it shoots strait easy to control and is compact enough to carry in the summer! I say if you can find one go for it.
NES is slipping. No "Hi Maura" comments yet 😂 As was pointed out, disregard the "approved" roster. Some people refer to them as banned or illegal, neither of which is true.

I recently put someone in touch with a private party selling a VP9SK, which they bought. Perfectly legal. My wife has a Glock 19 Gen5. Where there's a will, there's a way.

As for the VP9SK, are you set on that? Reason I ask is I own a VP9 which I carry concealed all the time, no problem.
The Vp9sk is not on the roster but that doesn’t mean it’s not legal, it just means that you can’t buy it from a dealer.
and Why is that, that you can’t buy from a dealer
The Vp9sk is not on the roster but that doesn’t mean it’s not legal, it just means that you can’t buy it from a dealer.
Well what came first, the chicken or the egg ?
They can't be brought in from out of state? Manufacturers don't sell to the public directly I don't think.

So the vp9sk out there, are pre- 2016 ?

How can I find a vp9sk for sale ?

I own 2 vp9's and I love them, and they are beautiful.

My close friend is shopping for a vp9 or vp9sk because they are left handed, want to buy an am·bi·dex·trous gun.
Well what came first, the chicken or the egg ?
How can I find a vp9sk for sale ?
They can't be brought in from out of state? Manufacturers don't sell to the public directly I don't think.

So the vp9sk out there, are pre- 2016 ?

How can I find a vp9sk?

I own 2 vp9's and I love them, and they are beautiful.

My close friend is shopping for a vp9 or bpnsk because they are left handed, want to buy an antidexipurous gun.


Assuming that you meant ambidextrous; he could look at Gen 5 Glocks.
She does not want a glock. Sig or HK only.

You're really fast, I fixed the typo within the first 30 seconds. lol. I had to Google the spelling.

Yeah, your post jumped to the top, and the spelling caught my eye. :)

My wife likes Sigs, she's got half a dozen or so of them. Her P320s are ambi.

As for the HK, if it's not on the roster then an FFL can't sell it directly to you. Which means that you buy it privately and the only problem you have is finding an FFL that will do the transfer. Typically, the way that most off roster guns come into MA is through people moving there and bringing the off roster gun(s) with them. The roster only applies to FFL, it's NOT a list of firearms that you can own.

So, find someone who has one in MA, find an FFL, and arrange the transfer - or do it through your EFA-10 process. I'm not entirely clear on the EFA-10 because I've never had to deal with it personally.

As for finding one in MA; check the guns for sale in NES, check GunBroker, ArmsList, whatever...
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