NES Member
Just finished skimming it; thanks for letting me know about this stuff --- I had no idea. Are there any other resources on this forum or online that I should read/familiarize myself with before I purchase a firearm in the near future? Politics aside, I honestly feel like a lot of the laws are unclear on purpose and they're trying to dig as many legal landmines as possible for you to watch out for.
May I ask how you exactly conceal carry a gun that big? Do you need one of those special gun belts to comfortably carry a handgun that big, or is it something you just learn to deal with? I could see conceal carrying a full size easy in the winter, but later in the summer when it's 90 degrees w/ humidity or when you're working up a sweat I can also see it being no fun very quickly. This is one of the reasons why I'm interested in a subcompact that's a little on the bigger end like a Glock 43X or even a compact; something that is still concealable, but not sacrificing so much for the concealability department that it's difficult to shoot.
Do you need one of those special gun belts to comfortably carry a handgun that big, or is it something you just learn to deal with?
Get a good gunbelt. Like Len2A, I have a web belt, in my case a 5.11 tactical that works well for everyday and competition - and I also have two leather gun belts, (one brown, one black), for dress occasions. A good belt will keep your handgun secured, in a constant location on your body while holding your pants up.