14-year-old caps bad guy, saves Mom's life

May 19, 2005
Brentwood, NH
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God Bless Texas! (sorry if this was posted already)


CORPUS CHRISTI - Police are investigating what happened during a home burglary that left the suspect dead and neighbors in shock.

It happened Monday afternoon at a home in the 4200 block of Ocean Drive. A 14-year-old boy shot and killed a man who broke into his family's home Monday and threatened to kill him and his mother, Police Chief Bryan Smith said.

Smith said the man, confronted a woman as she was carrying groceries into her home shortly before 1 p.m. The man forced her inside and tied her and her son up. Smith said the woman was able to loosen the binding and free her son, who got his father's revolver from a security box beneath a bed.

As the man tried to break into the room where the two were and threatened to kill them both, the teen fired a shot through the door and hit the intruder in the head, Smith said.

As you can imagine residents living in the area are shocked an incident like this could happen so close to their homes.

Neighbors told 6 News that although this is not a "high crime" area, most have their own story to tell about a break-in or something similar. Quite a few of them are telling us they support the boy for his actions.

Police said the 14-year old had gone home sick from school when the suspect broke in and threatened the boy and his mother with a knife. He tied them up, but they broke free, they grabbed a gun, and the 14-year-old fired through a crack in the door, killing the alleged burglar.

CCPD Chief Bryan Smith isn't ready to say whether the shooting was justified, but so far it appears to fit the criteria.

"At this point in time, I can tell you that it is our opinion that this was a home invasion burglary, and that the victims were in fear for their lives," Smith said. Neighbors were shocked to find out what happened, and after learning how the events unfolded, some are now calling the 14-year old a hero.

"I think it was justified. Yeah, you shouldn't be breaking into cribs, you know," said neighbor Eddie Boy.

"It does bother me right across the street...I thought this was a safe area here and now finding out there's a murder right across the street from where I live," said Ronnie Bolding.

Police will continue investigating what they believe is a case of self defense, before turning it over to the district attorney.

"We're investigating this as any homicide scene or suspicious death. What we'll do is put the evidence together, and we'll present it to the grand jury, and let them make a determination," Smith said.

Upon hearing the news...

Massachusetts gubernatorial candidate Deval Patrick immediately files a federal lawsuit over this egregious violation of the man's constitutional right to terrorize, rob, and stab innocent people in their own home.

Dianne Feinstein expresses her outrage that a woman was allowed to CHOOSE not to be stabbed to death.

Ted Kennedy issues a statement condemning the actions taken by the woman's son, saying the child should have put the evil gun down on the ground and allowed himself to be killed along with his mother...for the good of children everywhere.

Chuck Schumer appears on 'Meet the Press' to publicly reprimand the boy for "escalating the cycle of violence".

Rosie O'Donnell shits her pants upon hearing the tragic news that a lowly commoner's life, and that of her child, was saved by the legal use of a privately owned handgun. Then, immediately gets on the phone to the head of her children's armed bodyguard detail to make sure they're OK.

Massachusetts State Senator Jarrett Barrios reassures the people in his district that he'll sleep soundly tonight, knowing that if a similar situation were to play out in his hometown of Cambridge, the woman and her son would likely be brutally slaughtered, but at least they'd die on their knees as good, obedient liberal subjects Democrats.

Boston Mayor Tom Menino and Mayor Bloomberg of New York hear about this "tragedy" and seize the opportunity to launch knife buyback programs in their cities. The website www.mayorsagainstillegalknives.org is born.
Smith said the woman was able to loosen the binding and free her son, who got his father's revolver from a security box beneath a bed.
I'm sure that in Mass the Father would be cited for the child being able to access the gun box and this would be added to some "child gun violence" stat somewhere.


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