I disagree to an extent. What I DO agree with is that it's not something anyone should be taking lightly and cheering on. It's a last resort and an awful one at that. But sometimes a horror show is necessary. I certainly agree it would be an absolute horror show, but there's simply no denying at this point that our country is completely unfixable by simply voting demonstrated by the fact that in 2016 the majority of the country voted for socialism. The risk is, what comes out the other side, even in victory by "our side", might look nothing at all like what we wanted....or a fractured US and crippled fedgov opens the door to a hostile takeover by China or something and WWIII.
A choice is coming though and I think it's only matter of time: we accept tyranny, and the inevitable slide of the country into socialism, or we fight to stop it, with blood equity. Make no mistake, the country has been trending left for a long time. AZ is almost a blue state now. CA jerkoffs are invading TX. TX goes blue and there will NEVER be another republican POTUS again. Scarier, it doesn't even take TX to flip. A couple of the small swing states to go solid blue is all it would take. Whether people want to admit it or not, TX is damn near a purple state even now. Give it 10 - 15 years after the Californians are done invading. Trump only won in 2016 because Hillary took MI and WI for granted and Trump's people outsmarted her, so great slick chess move but the majority of people wanted that gross c*** to win. Every POTUS race has been the Dems to lose for decades now, not the other way around and not even "anyone's game". Luckily the clown car of candidates the dems keep putting out only helps us. All it takes though is another slick talking charismatic black dude as opposed to a senile dementia patient or an unlikeable shrew and it's over.
If this trend leftward isn't stopped, we or our kids/grandkids are going to be living in an America that looks a lot more like England or France than the country we grew up in. I'm more afraid of that than I am of bodies stacked like cordwood. I don't wan the war to fall on my son's shoulders. I'd prefer it happen 100 years from now. But if it were to start tomorrow the choice is an easy one as I'd rather die a free man than live one god damned minute in a socialist America.