1st Gen Shield 9 - Sell or bubba?

Sell or Bubba?

  • Sell

    Votes: 7 41.2%
  • Bubba

    Votes: 10 58.8%

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NES Member
Apr 1, 2022
Feedback: 6 / 0 / 0
What’s up guys? I’ve got a 1st gen Shield that was my first handgun and quite frankly, a POS, but it was better than nothing and always went “bang”. Heavy ass trigger pull and I don’t like the grip and haven’t shot it at all since I got my 43X MOS.

The question(s) of the day are what is this thing really worth? Probably around 500rds through it and I’ve hated it the entire time. Is it realistically worth trying to sell even for a 2-3 hundred with a few mags and an Aliengear holster?


Should I practice my machining skills and attempt to port the slide and barrel or something?
I have a 1st gen shield that I had the apex trigger put in. Did this immediately as I hated the stock trigger as well and it has always suited me just fine.

As for selling, it’s probably worth on the lower end of $200-$300 as the shield plus has more capacity at around the $400 price point. YMMV though.
I have a 1st gen shield that I had the apex trigger put in. Did this immediately as I hated the stock trigger as well and it has always suited me just fine.

As for selling, it’s probably worth on the lower end of $200-$300 as the shield plus has more capacity at around the $400 price point. YMMV though.
I’ve heard/read the apex makes a huge difference. Not really worth it for me to put any money into it. I don’t carry it anymore and it’s not comfortable for me.
i still run my gen 1 shield. while not the newest or greatest pistol available, it still works. remember when it was the hottest new pistol on the market? yep, trigger sucked. i had lou at bec work on it to tame that 15 lb pull and i got no complaints. it's the lightest carry gun i own. as i aged and my belly expanded with the good life, my glock pulled my pants down constantly. so it's a compromise. also, i'm in my 70's and don't see me entering the best and brightest new pistol race any time soon.
I have my free state Shield 1.0 (slightly better trigger). It’s not worth selling to me give it’s realistic market value vs being an available option in the stable if needed.
Same boat. With newer pistols I have purchased the Gen 1 shield doesn’t really have a purpose anymore. Not worth selling for 200-250 so I’m keeping it.
Ok who does the trigger work on these? Thank you!!!
I have done a couple of them for family. They are easy to do. The kits and the block are cheap enough. The block makes it a lot easier to hold the frame.

Everyone talks about Apex but M*carbo makes some good kits as well.

Unfortunately, Maybe, that Shield won’t fetch much in the way of value. A Gen 1 or 2 Glock, maybe. But designating the generation of a Shield still makes it just as undesirable as a Shield Gen 2, 3 Gen X or Gen XXX. Bubba it and replace the trigger and never look back.
What’s up guys? I’ve got a 1st gen Shield that was my first handgun and quite frankly, a POS, but it was better than nothing and always went “bang”. Heavy ass trigger pull and I don’t like the grip and haven’t shot it at all since I got my 43X MOS.

The question(s) of the day are what is this thing really worth? Probably around 500rds through it and I’ve hated it the entire time. Is it realistically worth trying to sell even for a 2-3 hundred with a few mags and an Aliengear holster?


Should I practice my machining skills and attempt to port the slide and barrel or something?
I guess we all have different definitions for “POS”
Sell it, don't chance destroying it! Some people will like the original vs. the grip angle, grip texture and trigger changes with 2.0 or Plus. Everybody is not the same.
Dave Santurri polished the internals, smoothed out the grit, and might have changed out a spring on a Gen 1 that was purchased by a relative. I've had my relative try the 2.0 and Plus but she always prefers the 1.0 with the millimeters adding Talon rubber grip.
I've never checked the pull weight as the difference was night and day with the polishing and the person who it was for was more than happy with the result. The cost 7.5 years ago was less than an Apex kit by itself. Come to think of it, I remember the seller telling me it was a free state pistol.
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Imho sell it off for a couple hundo or so and be done with it. Some skinflint will buy it.
This. I sold my Gen 1 shield about 2?3? Years ago to a friend. Came with 4 mags. I think I got $300 for it.

If you hate it that much just get some money for it and move on. Don’t get hung up on trying to squeeze out an extra $50 from a buyer. Better than nothing.
Trade it for something on the low end you'd like to try, like a Ruger Super Wrangler. There's no reason to dick around with porting the thing, it's still going to be a POS you don't like, just with the added benefit of even less velocity!
How often do you get the opportunity to cut metal on a gun and not care if you screw it up? Port it. Polish the trigger. Add or change stippling. Go full bubba until it's either unrecognizable or unusable. Have fun and learn stuff.
I have a gen 1 Shield 9mm that had a trigger job by Mike LaRocca who was able to get me one when they first came out and were next to impossible to find.
Great trigger, never had any issue with the gun and carry it most days. Didn’t realize it was a POS…..LOL
If you don’t need the $$ how about keeping it in a small wick access safe near the front door or another strategic location “just in case” (assuming you don’t already do so)
remember when the Shield was the hottest thing... now it's a POS.. LOL

sometimes I think gun owners are worse than golfers when it comes to equipment.
I too did the APEX kit on my version 1 Shield. Then with an added Hogue rubber HandAll beavertail slide on grip installed the gun shoots great. Never gonna let this one go.

I feel the same 'bout mine as well. After dropping in an Apex kit, adding new sights, thousands of rounds down range without a hiccup, it's been my EDC for the last few years.
I had ~5,000 rounds on my Shield 1.0 w/Apex; I had a total of three failures, all with aluminum ammo.

I have ~3,000 rounds on my Shield 2.0; zero failures that I can recall.

Yeah, I won’t be trading it for a P365 or whatever the new fangled nonsense is.
What’s up guys? I’ve got a 1st gen Shield that was my first handgun and quite frankly, a POS, but it was better than nothing and always went “bang”. Heavy ass trigger pull and I don’t like the grip and haven’t shot it at all since I got my 43X MOS.

The question(s) of the day are what is this thing really worth? Probably around 500rds through it and I’ve hated it the entire time. Is it realistically worth trying to sell even for a 2-3 hundred with a few mags and an Aliengear holster?


Should I practice my machining skills and attempt to port the slide and barrel or something?
I'll pay ya 100 bucks 4 it , need a lighter ccw gun to replace my .357 ruger sp101
Bubba it.

It's a S&W, so if you mess it up, no big loss.

If you don't butcher it too bad, keep it in your vehicle as a just in case gun and call it good.
remember when the Shield was the hottest thing... now it's a POS.. LOL

sometimes I think gun owners are worse than golfers when it comes to equipment.

To be fair, its MA trigger was always a POS. Perfectly fine after an APEX upgrade though.

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