2006 Boston gun Buyback

At least one of the "guns" is obviously a fake. Look at the grey "automatic" w/black grips - an obvious mold line and NO mag well.

Some nice guns utterly wasted.
Scrivener. If you look at the other picture, you can see the lips on the back of the "slide" This is a tell tale sign of a spring activated BB gun.

Wonder if they got the $200 for it?
mAss Backwards said:
I was so thinking of doing the same thing.

Well done.

"Hey, wait a minute. That looks like my gun!"


It's the kind of picture that screams out for a Photoshop opportunity. [smile]
Scrivener said:
At least one of the "guns" is obviously a fake. Look at the grey "automatic" w/black grips - an obvious mold line and NO mag well.

Some nice guns utterly wasted.
Do you mean this one on the left ?
That's what once was a WW I era Dreyse 07 pistol, definitely calling some
$ when in the right condition.
Here is what she is supposed to look like
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The rifle pile has a M1917 and a M1 Carbine. Both worth WAY more than $200 and a piece of American history, to boot.
Please... there was a Detonics in one of the photos I saw. I couldn't look too close at the ones posted here or I'd cry.

I mean... has a Ruger Mark 1 or 2 EVER been used in a murder?? Yeesh. [rolleyes]
I particularly applaud whichever enterprising youth sawed off the stock and barrel of the break action shotgun. I love the electrical tape grips. [rofl]

That was SO worth $200...
JuergenG said:

NO; I meant the gray one appearing in two photos, subsequently identified as a BB pistol.

Thanks for IDing the Dreyse, however; I wondered what that was. I presume that's the same Dreyse who invented the "needle rifle" which allowed Prussia to trounce Austria and go on to create Germany.
What I want to know is:

1 - How many of them were stolen firearms?

2 - How many of them were used in violent crimes?

Bet those numbers won't come out. [rolleyes]
Lynne said:
What I want to know is:

1 - How many of them were stolen firearms?

2 - How many of them were used in violent crimes?

Bet those numbers won't come out. [rolleyes]
Roger that, Instead they will just be labeled "Street Guns"
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