2010 NRA Highpower Championship=WOW!


NES Member
May 6, 2005
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Sherri Gallagher just got her first Championship by firing an incredible 2396-161X! That's dropping just 4 shots out of 240. Unbelievable.

Also among the top 50 or so were a few familiar New England names, namely: Kevin Trickett, Charlie Trickett, Norm Houle, and Gus Dunphy
I'm floored by that score. I was out there in the early 90s when Carl shot the 2385 and that was a monster score. Just amazing. I never thought I would see a score like that. It's been brought to a whole new level. I wonder if it's going to be like the 4 min. mile and a bunch of people are going to start shooting crazy good scores now.

saw the results on NationalMatch earlier today (talked with Mike P last night too, he'd mentioned that Sherri was only down 3 points as of yesterday, and he predicted the 2396).

she's certainly set the bar high. It was sad to hear that Norm had crossfired. It's always nice when a local shooter takes the Nationals :)

we had a few beers with a bunch of AMU guys (and gals) last friday night @ Nicks Roadhouse, including Sherri. couldnt ask for nicer people.
I believe I met Sherri at C-phers one night. I was amazed at her knowledge and proficiency at her craft. Not too surprised at this but she was probably pissed at the drops. Incredible.
Glad to hear the Tricketts did well. I was fortunate enough to learn to shoot from them. Great people.
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