2014 Hunting Megathread

It was 4 members of a club, basically two brothers their best friend and another member. The guy who shot first took the deer the second shooter didn't even bother to say anything. So not worth arguing over, I was just curious how others do it.
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"First knife in it" was the traditional rule of thumb. When I hunt with a group we share the meat, no matter who dropped it.
Just a question from the group. Let's say a group of guys is driving deer. Person A is a driver he jumps a deer gets off 3 shots, person b in the group sees the deer moving slowly and recognizes a gut shot wound, the deer comes right at person B, busts person B and regains steam and person B who proceeds to shoot once hits the deer the deer goes 20 feet and drops, whose deer is it? I've heard differing opinions just curious what you guys think. The deer has 3 wounds, a guy shot seen by person B, a grazing shot very high on the back and one right through the vitals.

Technically whoever reduces the animal to possession.

Among friends doing deer drives with us it doesnt matter because we split all the meat because we are working as a team.
Thanks. Now.....tomorrow is my last day. Two buck tags........time to take the boy out and see what he can do.....its his turn!

Went out with the "crew" yesterday. Plenty of deer got pushed out of the woods but no good angle for my son to take a shot. All in all it was worth every minute out there with my son! He and I learned so much this season from hunting with others........awesome stuff.

When you guys do these drives, do the deer that get pushed ever stop running or do you have to get a shot off while they are running? I have never done a drive so I do not know. Thanks.

When you guys do these drives, do the deer that get pushed ever stop running or do you have to get a shot off while they are running? I have never done a drive so I do not know. Thanks.

In all the drives I've been involved in the deer are running at the guy or guys who are posted at the end. We had one that looked literally like a stampede.

When you guys do these drives, do the deer that get pushed ever stop running or do you have to get a shot off while they are running? I have never done a drive so I do not know. Thanks.

Both situations can happen. If the deer dont see the "sitters" when they come by then you can grunt to get em to stop and take the shot. If they have "outed" the sitters grunting won't work and you have to decide if you want to shoot a running deer or pass on it.

My deer was the second situation.......a herd came by about 30 yards out running parallel to the sitters becuause they spotted us......I grunted load but they kept running.......so I did shoot a running deer.....sucessfully by putting a little lead on and kept the gun swinging through (guess my time on the skeet and trap ranges helped me out [smile]). The shot was not "perfect" as it hit a bit lower than I expected.......I'm still trying to figure out in my head why it hit so low.......but the shot was effective as the deer pumped blood into the snow for 40 yards and went down.
In all the drives I've been involved in the deer are running at the guy or guys who are posted at the end. We had one that looked literally like a stampede.
I've seen plenty of stampedes in the last two days! You gotta be quick and you gotta lead em just a little tiny bit and keep the gun swinging.....that is my ewperience with driving anyway. BTW........exojam.......the pushers have just as much of a chance as the sitters.......two of our pushers harvested deer they happened to "jump" while moving........just gotta be quick!
Well if they are running there is good chance they would want to come by me to make it out alive.
Here's a pro tip for drives: always leave a guy sitting where the other guys start their "drive" from. Deer are often very sneaky and will sit tight while drivers go past them and then get up and go the opposite way.
Got my first deer that way as a kid. Saw it happen again a few years later.
Here's a pro tip for drives: always leave a guy sitting where the other guys start their "drive" from. Deer are often very sneaky and will sit tight while drivers go past them and then get up and go the opposite way.
Got my first deer that way as a kid. Saw it happen again a few years later.

Speaking of drives. I put food on someone's table today. I spooked 2 that were within 50 feet of me. 10-15 seconds later I heard a shot from the direction one of them went. I never heard them come in and didn't even remotely expect them to be where they were, since they were on a path I had walked 3 times in the past hour. I had just come down the path not 5 min before. While I was getting in to position in some natural cover, I happened to glance down the path just in time to see them catch sight of me. I got a really good view of their tails waving goodbye. [banghead]

When they hit the dirt road one went right and crossed the road. Then was shot a few seconds later. The other went left. I tracked him by sound for 30-45 min before I lost him. By that point I was so deep in I wouldn't have been able to drag him out alone anyhow. I was trying to get past him then stalk back toward him but no joy. I kept getting blocked by brush so dense I would have needed a nuke to get through it.

I also saw another one earlier, right at first light, but between the lack of light and thick cover I just couldn't get a good sight picture on him. At least over the past few days I have narrowed down 2 paths that see traffic every day and today narrowed down the time frame considerably. Scouting out areas they have been in is easy enough. But narrowing down the time of day w/o a trail-cam is a real PITA. I just don't have the cash to blow on one right now, but Santa has been paying attention... [smile]
Here's a pro tip for drives: always leave a guy sitting where the other guys start their "drive" from. Deer are often very sneaky and will sit tight while drivers go past them and then get up and go the opposite way.
Got my first deer that way as a kid. Saw it happen again a few years later.

Why don't you just find a cliff and force a "pishkun" like the Blackfoot Indians to make them lame and then kill them. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buffalo_jump

I prefer luring them to a stand, and shooting them with an arrow.
Be careful with the cameras since some of them figure it out and will walk around the camera. I guess they get camera shy [smile]
Just a question from the group. Let's say a group of guys is driving deer. Person A is a driver he jumps a deer gets off 3 shots, person b in the group sees the deer moving slowly and recognizes a gut shot wound, the deer comes right at person B, busts person B and regains steam and person B who proceeds to shoot once hits the deer the deer goes 20 feet and drops, whose deer is it? I've heard differing opinions just curious what you guys think. The deer has 3 wounds, a guy shot seen by person B, a grazing shot very high on the back and one right through the vitals.

I hope the guy who tagged it buys you a beer and gives you some steaks. It looks like you saved him a long day of tracking and possibly never recovering that spike. Gut shot deer can go for miles before dying.
image.jpg image.jpg I dropped this button buck dead in its tracks today! Great group of guys have taken me with them and taught me quite a bit in these last two seasons. Finally got one today and can't wait to fill my belly with my own deer!

I've seen deer stampede on the pushes we have been doing but this guy trotted up to about 75 yards in front of me and stopped for a moment when I raised me shotgun....then he stopped for longer than a moment!
View attachment 121592View attachment 121593I dropped this button buck dead in its tracks today! Great group of guys have taken me with them and taught me quite a bit in these last two seasons. Finally got one today and can't wait to fill my belly with my own deer!

I've seen deer stampede on the pushes we have been doing but this guy trotted up to about 75 yards in front of me and stopped for a moment when I raised me shotgun....then he stopped for longer than a moment! 

Congrats! I got my first deer this year too......awesome feeling isnt it.
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